The Intersubjective Bootstrap
If all life is a dream, is it your dream or mine?
And why should our two worlds agree?
An answer avails if we’re both The Divine,
At our source, I am you and you’re me.
Though it seems that we’re separate (I trust you’ll concur
It’s a stretch to conceive “one great soul”)
Still, we sense there are times when our boundaries blur
Our designs coalesce as one whole.
If together we’ve dreamed up this life, with its flaws
And its numberless wonders untold,
Might we rein back our species to mind Nature’s laws,
Who can say what new worlds will unfold?
We might harness the power of resonant thought—
We might dream exploitation to cease.
Once we own all the battles that e’er man has fought,
Are we ready to co-create peace?