I’d be interested to know; by which standard does the author of the manifesto judge the hegemonic practices of the United States? What reference does he use, to determine what is right or wrong? Is he appealing to some sort of global utilitarianism? Or does he have an objective basis from which to call out ‘demonic practices’?

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From my perspective, I don't know if the US is morally worse than other nations, but the US has the power to do more damage. The document speaks to me because I'm inclined to agree that bombing innocent civilians, overturning democratically-elected governments, and blackmailing foreign leaders to assure they are open to American companies extracting their resources -- that these are behaviors that I consider immoral.

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Given the quite obvious public display of malign character (narcissism, sociopathy), false narratives (state, media, tech), political assassination (lawfare) disregard for human life (Plandemic & forced experimental therapies), disregard for liberty (weaponized state), legalized theft (CBDC, the Fed/IRS, imminent domain, etc), whatever moral authority the government of the USA may have once had has long ago evaporated.

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