Someone is doing horrible things to the Earth and its occupants, human and non-human. Is it states waging unacknowledged World War III? Or corporations? Or NGOs like WEF? Satanists? Space aliens squabbling over the planet we thought was our domain?
The Plandemic has been an excuse for social engineering: breaking up families, keeping people away from church and community gatherings, making people more dependent on centralized authority, manipulating and herding people with fear. Some of us thought, “I’ve seen this trick before…” and we were reminded of 9/11 and the War on Terror. We’re hip to the danger that COVID will be a ticket to a reset of the financial system that conveniently dissolves trillions of dollars in government debt and initiates a replacement for money tied to a system of rewards and punishments and Big Brother watching our every move.
Aha! We’ve got their number.
But hold on a moment. There’s so much additional violence in the world that doesn’t fit neatly in this picture or any other picture I’m aware of. We might think it’s all a chaotic dogpile by hardscrabble billionaires and globalist oligarchs. But all the following have this in common: The news media don’t touch these topics.
A central mystery uniting all others is that there are taboos in the MSM against talking about some large-scale, increasingly obvious developments that don’t bear any obvious relationship to one another. Who, then, controls the media? It would seem that the honor is shared by some unlikely, disparate interests
The fact that there are taboo topics that are suppressed by the “free press” of the Western world and equally by the science establishment that we all supposed to be our model of objectivity and open debate — this in itself is an interesting factoid. Each of these topics is important in its own right and some bear on our concept of who we are and what makes the world go ’round.
I’m motivated to compile and publish this list for several reasons. I’m hoping that some of the topics will be new to you, either because you had not heard of the literature or because you had dismissed it as a bridge too far. I’m hoping that some of you will suggest to me additional topics that should be on the list. I’m hoping that putting all these in one place will set in motion trains of thought, mine and yours, that might lead to broader understandings. Best of all, I’m hoping to convene a loose investigative team to sift far reaches of the Web for puzzle pieces that might help us collectively to form an updated picture of reality — perhaps what Charles Eisenstein calls a New Story of the World.
1. COVID is a bioweapon, probably deliberately released, but was it an American attack on China or a Chinese attack on America or a globalist plan that knows no national borders?
If the goal is population reduction, then the Malthusians have really shot themselves in the foot. COVID and the vaccines together have killed much less than 1% of the world’s population, and in the process they have blown their cover.
Hundreds of billions of dollars in profits for the Pharma industry is sufficient explanation for how the deception machine was oiled, but it’s not a big enough motivation to explain closure of the world’s businesses and cultural institutions, destroying trillions in GDP, killing millions of people and throwing millions more into poverty.
This leads me wondering, for what purpose was the plandemic planned? (I note in passing that “plandemic” was helpfully spell-checked by Google, and rewritten as “pandemic”.)
2. The US has waged biowarfare against Cuban sugar, Chinese pigs, and against military personnel during the Korean War. There have probably been many more targets that I am not aware of. Lyme disease is almost certainly an engineered bacterium that escaped from the bioweapons lab on Plum Island, in Long Island Sound. The anthrax outbreak (1978-84) during the Rhodesian war for independence was a biological attack. More examples can be found in Francis Boyle’s books.
3. And now it looks as though global food shortages are coming, with signs that this is the result of multi-pronged, deliberate sabotage. Grain storage facilities are blowing up. Fertilizer shortages are being created. Livestock are being slaughtered, probably unnecessarily. Restrictions on nitrogenous fertilizers are being imposed much faster than farmers can adjust their methods and restore their soil. Bill Gates is buying up farmland. Let’s not forget that besieged Ukraine is the bread basket of Europe. Ice Age Farmer video channel is a good source on this topic.
4. The world is being run by gangsters who control the most powerful military, intelligence, and banking institutions. This is the theme of Whitney Webb’s monumental two-volume history of corruption and its origins. Financial and political crimes merge, and the operation is protected by blackmail, based in earlier years on homosexual and extramarital sex, and in the present era on pedophilia. Children have been kidnapped and bred for a career of sexual slavery. Rich and powerful world leaders secretly engage in satanism and ritual torture of children.
5. The US has a long history of political assassinations, and the CIA has assassinated dozens of foreign leaders in the process of deposing populist leaders who threaten business interests. Since 1963, domestic assassinations have had a determinative effect on the political direction of the nation. John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert were assassinated with collusion by CIA chief Allen Dulles and Vice President Lyndon Johnson. Martin Luther King, John Lennon, and Malcolm X were assassinated because of their power to incite powerful antiwar sentiments. Johnson and, later, Clinton left a trail of dead bodies on their paths to power. Continuing in this century, political assassinations have been disguised as suicides and airplane crashes. Paul Wellstone was killed to quell his presidential aspirations. Mike Connell was murdered to cover up theft of the 2004 election by G W Bush. Seth Rich was killed to cover up theft of the 2016 primary by Hilary Clinton. Journalist Gary Webb was killed to stop his reporting about the CIA’s involvement in the drug trade, and we may never know the story that Michael Hastings was chasing.
Many Americans are aware of these assassinations, but they are left out of accounts in the Newspaper of Record, in Wikipedia, and in official sources. We don’t talk about the subject in public.
6. Geoengineering, chemtrails, and weather warfare remain topics discussed by only a fringe of the fringe, though the results are increasingly obvious. Thank you to Dane Wigington and Peter Kirby. Evidence includes criss-crossed white trails in the sky, residues of aluminum and barium in soils, films and eyewitness accounts of military planes carrying tanks of dispersants (principally fly ash waste from coal plants). 108 degrees in Seattle is too much to explain via two degrees of global warming. Rainclouds stay locked off the US west coast for weeks at a time while California is consumed in decades-long droughts. “Forest fires” burn houses and even cars while the trees between the houses remain uncharred. These are deniable acts of war, but the purpose is completely obscure. (I dismiss the idea that the motivation is to increase the earth’s albedo in order to slow global warming because it can’t work for that purpose, and because some weather warfare seems to be gratuitously destructive.)
7. The war in Ukraine is an ongoing, utterly avoidable tragedy. Why has America poked the Russian bear, and why is America blocking peace negotiations? The “sanctions” strongarmed by America are not hurting Russia but are devastating our “allies” in Western Europe, while providing a boon to our “enemy”, China, where Russian gas is being resold at a steep markup. The destruction of Nordstream by the US or its agents is crippling the industrial economy of Germany.
8. For four decades at least, the media and the men who “speak for science” have been funneling concern about a very real collapse of global ecosystems into a one-dimensional story about CO2 in the atmosphere. Why? The story of climate change is complex, but the story we’re being told is simple. We need to rethink everything about the throwaway economics of consumerism, but in place of this discussion we are given ESG and CBDCs based on carbon footprints. California is pushing people into electric cars that only displace carbon emissions but don’t decrease them.
Is this profit driven? If the world’s ecosystems can no longer support human life, do the billionaires think that they will be granted an exemption?
9. All forms of “alternative medicine” have been pushed to the sidelines by pharma companies in collusion with the medical establishment, including research journals and med schools. But most puzzling is homeopathy. There is considerable evidence that homeopathy really works, despite a solid proof from established principles of biochemistry that homeopathic remedies are diluted so finely that not a single molecule of the active ingredient remains. Credible scientists, including two Nobel laureates, have devoted serious attention to the hypothesis that water carries a chemical imprint of what has been previously dissolved in it, water memory
10. UFOs have been the subject of so much disinformation and staged exhibitions that it is impossible to tell the true reports from the psy-ops. What’s going on? Are there really extraterrestrial beings who are watching over earth to make sure that we don’t destroy ourselves? Or are there competing extraterrestrial races squabbling to take control of our planet? Leslie Kean provides the best introduction to this inscrutable topic that I know of.
11. Graham Hancock calls us a “species with amnesia”. The Pyramids were built by someone with advanced technologies and control of powerful machines. These urns carved from single pieces of hard stone attest to their sophistication, and these megaliths in Baalbek attest to their power. (Other megalithic sites are found in Egypt, Bolivia, Peru, and Easter Island.) Someone was able to cut, polish, and move pieces of stone ten times heavier than the capacity of today’s largest cranes. All over the world we find ancient networks of tunnels that stretch for miles, evidence of high technology in the past. Turkey. Ecuador. Egypt. Italy. And they did it all without tapping into fossil fuels or leaving piles of nuclear waste. What was their energy source? Was this the work of ancient civilizations that were destroyed in the Younger Dryas event? Or the handiwork of extraterrestrials?
And did they use technology that we would recognize as machines, or had they developed psychokinesis — powers of the mind far beyond what we can imagine. Before you dismiss this latter possibility, consider what a few hundred years of systematic experimentation with mechanical contrivances by the most inventive minds of the Western world has been able to produce; then ask yourself what fruits a comparable intensity of R&D in the psychic realm might bear.
12. Why are the energy technologies that could rescue the planet from poverty and pollution being suppressed by the scientific establishment? I have personal knowledge that cold fusion is real, but that doesn’t mean that even more far-out technologies including zero point energy are not real.
13. I know nothing about crop circles except that they are numerous and they are bizarre. Likewise livestock mutilations.
14. Are there whole underground cities? Richard Dolan and Jason Jorjani have speculated that secret DARPA projects have created and matured technologies that are so advanced that thousands of people are now living in secret underground cities with access to technologies like anti-gravity, faster-than-light travel, and quantum computing. Catherine Austin Fitts and Mark Skidmore discovered $21 trillion in Pentagon accounting irregularities that could have paid for it. Some people claim to have visited these places. Judy Wood cites evidence that extraordinary technologies were used to pulverize the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11, to twist steel girders into pretzels, and to toast cars up to half a mile away without damaging nearby people or objects.
15. Mind control has been studied secretly by the Nazi SS and their successors via Operation Paperclip in the American MK-Ultra program. There are two applications. One is to create hypnotized humans to operate as robots for their controllers and perform heinous acts with which the controllers don’t wish to be associated. This can be reliably achieved with drugs, sleep deprivation and psychological torture. Children raised in controlled environments can be deprived almost completely of their personal autonomy. The second mode of mind control applies to public opinion and crowd behavior. The work of Edward Bernays was extended with brain research and social psychology to create a devastatingly effective science of propaganda. Voltaire taught that anyone who makes you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit atrocities. «Ceux qui peuvent vous faire croire à des absurdités peuvent vous faire commettre des atrocités.»
16. It’s not clear if Project Apollo ever landed on the moon, but it is provable that some of the photographs and audio recordings were faked. Shadows in some photos are not parallel (as are all shadows from sunlight). Dust clouds don’t drop like a stone, as they would in a vacuum. And some recorded dialogs between Houston and Apollo don’t have a 3-second delay (which you would expect from the transit time of radio signals from earth to moon and back). In a direct sense, the impact on our daily lives from this particular deception is nil; but it is important as an illustration just how thoroughly the US government controls the narrative in the media and how big a whopper can make its way into the history that “everyone knows”.
17. Parapsychology is a real science with some reproducible effects that are experimentally better established than many phenomena of traditional psychology that are widely accepted. Minds are connected at a distance to other minds, especially those who are emotionally close. People have premonitions of the future with a frequency far above what can be accounted to chance. If you doubt this, read one of Dean Radin’s books, or, if you’re a masochistic nerd like me, study the footnotes of Etzel Cardena’s 2018 review article. Why are these topics ignored or denied by mainstream scientists?
“Mainstream recognition of the various types of extrasensory perception and psychokinesis that parapsychologists have been researching for so long poses incomparably catastrophic dangers to every pillar of the social and economic order” — Jason Jorjani
Mechanistic scientism is at the root of many deceptions and good-faith misconceptions about the fabric of reality. In the 19th Century, when Newtonian physics was the foundation of all science, there was a movement among Western intellectuals to adopt science as an explanation for everything, discrediting religious practice, rituals and prayer as superstition. But intellectuals at the turn of the century (William James, William Crookes, Sigmund Freud, George Eliot, Arthur Balfour, G B Shaw) were deeply interested in psychical research. It was only in the 20th Century that telepathy and Jung’s collective unconscious and what Elizabeth Mayer called Extraordinary Knowing were discarded in the same rubbish bin with religion. Among physicists, 19th Century mechanistic science has been discredited for 100 years, but as a mechanical philosophy, Scientism continues to be the predominant philosophy of Western intellectuals. Not science but the Science Establishment has moved into a position of authority once reserved for priests and shamans.
What have I left out?
All these topics warrant deep investigation, on foundations that have already been laid. But their connections are another topic for anyone wishing to revamp his understanding of how the world works. And perhaps there is a clue in the fact that mainstream science and mainstream journalism have been held back from investigating all these topics.
Almost no one is asking the big questions, with full acknowledgment of what is being hidden from us. Charles Eisenstein and Daniel Schmachtenberger are two that I know of who acknowledge these underground realities and attempt sensemaking in their context. Eisenstein chronicles the grand sweep of human history in a narrative that weaves science and mysticism; Schmachtenberger takes a narrower but still powerful game theoretic approach to understanding our predicament. Both have valuable insights to offer, and both fall far short of providing a framework in which all the underground realities make sense.
Jason Jorjani comes closest to having a paradigm that explains our feeling that there is a plot against humanity. He begins with the idea that our world is pregnant with two latent revolutions, both revolutions that are barely being kept under wraps. One he calls (after Kurzweil) the Singularity, and it involves an explosion of artificial intelligence along with anti-gravity, zero point energy, time travel, and wormholes. The second he calls the Spectral Revolution, and it is the suppressed science of parapsychology: mind reading, precognition, psychokinesis, powers which ancient yogis called the siddhis. Any of these physical or mental technologies would be enough to create a heaven on earth or to end our civilization. He raises the spectre of city-destroying bombs that a hacker could create in his basement, and he invokes orgies of destruction, as in the story of Milarepa, or the Salem Witch Trials. Jorjani’s hypothesis — not without evidence — is that in the last half of the 20th Century, Operation Paperclip and DARPA led to the discovery of these technologies by a network of private companies and state security interests. There is at present a breakaway civilization, people living underground or in Antarctica or on the far side of the moon, and they have decided that humanity is not mature enough to handle these technologies, so they have decided to deconstruct civilization, bring all of humanity back to subsistence living so we can all be brought under their control. Only then will the world be safe against the accidental disclosure of these technologies. Our task, says Jorjani, is to prove them wrong — a tall order, given the state of our world. Can we demonstrate a maturity and self-control? Can we submit to our sacred core of lovingkindness so consistently that we are all safe from Milarepas and Kaczynskis? Jorjani likes to invoke the myth of Prometheus, who bestowed on mankind the power of the gods in the form of fire, and he paid for his populism with an eternal torture, imposed by Zeus.
Here is the challenge in front of us. The Academy is not recognizing major pieces of reality. So it is left to us to form communities, to adopt specialties, to share knowledge and insights and inspirations, to create a foundation of understanding that is broad enough to support us in the present and guide us into the grand adventures in store for us in the coming years of upheaval and transition.
I end with a paradox from Eisenstein:
“It is impossible that your mission will fail. Yet, its success hangs on your own actions. The fate of the world is in your hands. The key to this paradox lies within you, in the feeling you carry that each of your actions, even your personal, secret struggles, has cosmic significance. You will know then, as you know now, that everything you do matters.”
As a spiritual student of pure non-duality and ACIM, it does feel like a giant exposure of unconscious guilt is being brought to the surface for us to forgive. Without this thought despair is overwhelming, and I am unsure what to do. With this thought I can remember the Truth that, “What is Real cannot be threatened; what is unreal does not exist. Herein lies the peace of God.”
You have synthesized so much here, and I appreciate your big brain and skills to articulate these insane goings-on and possibilities. It helps to stop my brain from spinning out with my own nightmarish scenarios, and instead ask all that is Holy for a new perspective and what is my part to do to be helpful (besides remembering the Truth of God’s Oneness).
Thanks for this.
* Paul Wellstone was speaking out during the run up to the invasion of Iraq. They first tried to destroy him politically which didn't work. They also cancelled Bill Maher - I believe getting rid of people who make us think
* You mention alternative medicine - also the Flexner Report and the Rockefeller's take over of US Med school curricula