As a spiritual student of pure non-duality and ACIM, it does feel like a giant exposure of unconscious guilt is being brought to the surface for us to forgive. Without this thought despair is overwhelming, and I am unsure what to do. With this thought I can remember the Truth that, “What is Real cannot be threatened; what is unreal does not exist. Herein lies the peace of God.”

You have synthesized so much here, and I appreciate your big brain and skills to articulate these insane goings-on and possibilities. It helps to stop my brain from spinning out with my own nightmarish scenarios, and instead ask all that is Holy for a new perspective and what is my part to do to be helpful (besides remembering the Truth of God’s Oneness).

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Kellianna - I agree you can do nothing better than to awaken each morning and ask your soul, "what is my part to do today?"

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Thanks for this.

* Paul Wellstone was speaking out during the run up to the invasion of Iraq. They first tried to destroy him politically which didn't work. They also cancelled Bill Maher - I believe getting rid of people who make us think

* You mention alternative medicine - also the Flexner Report and the Rockefeller's take over of US Med school curricula

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Thank God I found you. Which is a testament to the Internet working - at least in some peripheral realms that have escaped manipulation - the way it should.

You have a clear mind and a distinctive "voice." Be assured, from this day forward, I'll be reading everything you write. I trust that's worth precious little to you! But it is the sincerest utterance of gratitude, friend.

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By the way, internet Search Engines no longer do much searching. They just find a page or a few pages of search results, and then they repeat the same results for another 40 pages or so. Then that's all. I'd sure like to find a Real Search Engine. The Tech Giants are boxing us into a corner.

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What a lovely summary of all these taboos we've been hypnotized to never speak of as if completely avoiding such glaringly incongruous topics was the most natural thing in the world and would certainly have no consequences regarding prevailing power structures and the narratives they use to keep us compliant and obedient.

Power is truly wielded through perception - through the limitation and filtering of the perceptions of others. At least, this is the way to wield the dominating type of power that the ruling oligarchs command. And this type of power is an evil, and it elevates those in alignment with evil to more power.

Truth is the antidote to such evil. Not demanding that everyone agree with something as a truth, but truthfully stating what things look like from the standpoint of what we've perceived, and inviting in expressions of the perceptions of others to get the biggest and best picture possible of what is perceived, and being honest about what we don't know, or the degree of unknowing that exists in certain areas.

I appreciated the way you differentiated between knowing that the construction of megalithic relics is a mystery, but that we know it's a mystery, and we are left with theories about how it may have been possible, but we just don't know. Or how we know the footage of the moon landings were fabricated, but we don't know what that means about the actual moon missions themselves.

Thank you for this Josh!

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Excellent column, Josh. I have been keeping a list of what seem to be actively hidden truths as well since about 2010. We are tracking many of the same issues. My latest version of the list is here:


If you're unfamiliar with the much-maligned term "conspirituality", there's a link in one of my substack articles about it to the original journal of religious studies paper describing an internet phenomenon that the authors were researchers of (but no participants in).

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One of the most crucial pieces of reality is summed up in this vid from Suspicious0bservers. This event will trump everything else we think matters. His playlists include quite the education. The events unfolding now will most likely manifest in most young people's lifetime. Hold on to your hats folks!


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A ton of gratitude for the deep content. I look forward to many more.

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I believe in project blue beam.

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During the 1970's, Arthur Janov and his team developed a form of psychotherapy that they called Primal Therapy. The basis of Primal Therapy is that the human mind has three separate levels of psychological functioning. They are the cognitive level, the feelings, and below feelings are the sensations. I underwent this therapy after the year 2000, when it had developed into a solid theory that worked in practise.

I now practice this therapy in Australia with excellent results.

The current medical, mental and neuroscientific community are all based on the cognitive level of mind.

In actual fact, nearly all of the human species illness has its origins at the level of sensation.

The levels of feeling and sensation react to experiences, such as childhood trauma, and this is the area of the brain that needs healing.

If Janov Primal Therapy and theory ever becomes well known and practised, it will basically destroy, or severely alter the professions of psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience, philosophy and the whole pharmaceutical industry.

Healing involves getting the Pain out of the Brain, not putting a physical substance into the brain and/or body.

My experience has been that the sensation level of my brain held the Pain of my bad imprinting.

As I cleared the Pain, I gained access to the evolutionery forces that have been the underlying reason of our success as a species - most specifically the powerful evolutionary force of LOVE.

If we want to go forward into a happy and healthy lifestyle for every person on this planet, then

science needs to investigate the Three Levels of Mind as a top priority.

Gilbert Bates

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In 1976-78, I shared a house in Watertown, MA with a primal therapist. In my memory, it is connected with rebirthing, which uses breath work to take the subject back to earliest traumas. At the time, I was doing Re-evaluation Co-counseling with peers and in classes and workshops, which was another school of healing based on feelings stored in the body.

I situate Janov's work among many, related techniques, including Gestalt Therapy, trauma-based therapies, and body-centered therapy.

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John, I have just reread some of your essays that deal in false narratives. What you have written above is a completely false narrative. Janov Primal Therapy does not revolve around rebirthing, and breathwork is outlawed, (as is mindfulness and meditation). Trauma is not stored in the body, it is imprinted in the lower regions of the brain, and its messages are registered in the body as tension, tightness etc.

The focus in Primal work is on uncovering a persons true feelings around earlier traumatic events. Releasing the pain stored in the brain allows the body and mind to heal. This process also forces a person to adopt a different reality that exists in many areas of human thinking, but mainly in psychology and psychiatry, which should know better.

You cover this difficulty of how hard it is to change realities, and I faced this during my journey through Primal Theapy.

What you describe as your experiences in the 1970's is like describing the first editions of microsoft windows, 1 and 2. Janov developed his therapy and around the mid 2000's I experienced 'microsoft windows version 11' in terms of Primal Therapy.

What Janov was experimenting with in the 70's had developed into something that I believe is the basis of saving the human race from itself.

I put Arthur Janov way above and beyond anybody else, or any other therapeutic methods we are toying with.

You talk about wanting a better life for all humanity, as most of us do, but what you are asking for in your ideal life exists at the level of 'windows 11'.

We will obtain that level when we deal with imprinted pain, and then stop treating our babies and children in a way that damages the princples of how they were created through millions of yours of evolution.

kind regards

Gil Bates

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Thanks Josh.

Prometheus Busted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYBZ5ih5LTM

I always like that song.

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One of the best historians that I have listened to is Matthew Ehret. He is very prolific with many YouTube videos in substack articles. Also his wife Cynthia Chung has many great videos and articles. Here are some examples:


Presidential assassinations:


Ukraine War:


Venetian roots of Deepstate:


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So happy to find this, so concise and lucid. Thanks for the good work. I second the documentary American Moon you link to. It finally convinced me that the moon landing was a hoax. Another modern legend bit the dust.

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I don't trust any institution to speak of, but my idea is to be a free paralegal in order to learn how to sue local and state authorities who acted above the law during the lockdowns and mandates. And beyond that I want to help start local free towns etc where the residents use unanimous rule to make ordinances against corruption of all kinds. My substacks are at https://substack.com/profile/98340589-len-kinder

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""Is this profit driven? If the world’s ecosystems can no longer support human life, do the billionaires think that they will be granted an exemption?""


If you steal something valuable, the assumption is that you will go somewhere else to sell it or enjoy it.

If you consume all of the world's resources and make it unlivable...where are you going to live?

What is their endgame?

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The End Game is apparently genocide for most of us.

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One more maybe - the IAEA which both promotes and regulates nuclear power influence the NPT (Nuclear nonproliferation Treaty)'s formation with Article 4 -" inalienable right" to so called peaceful uses of nuclear energy, one of the 3 pillars of the NPT that most delegates mindlessly repeat, mantra like, which is a source of a lot of conflicts like Iran - but promotes a psychological acceptance of nuclear power and a desire for countries to have it

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Spellbinding and adrenaline raising. So many related matters leap to mind, indeed. But for now I'll stick with one, and that is to recommend truthcomestolight.com.

As to "who owns the world," look for the link on Blackrock and Vanguard. Also see both https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/corruption-and-medicine/toxicology-vs-virology-rockefeller-institute-and-the-criminal-polio-fraud/


Regarding climate, I recommend Paul Beckwith and the hundreds of videos he's put up on his own (he missed the coviscam, unfortunately). Here's Paul's latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyvGMGP-iV0&t=0s.

As for the temp in Seattle, Guy McPherson has long ago explained that one must consider the global temperature as one would a fever in the body; a few degrees higher can be a deadly fever, with varying problems for the whole body.

And of course, as Beckwith put it, we are now in "a climate casino," alternatively described by him as "weather wilding." You won't find either of these two, or countless other truth speakers of what I'd call "biosphere collapse" on the MSM.

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CO2 is NOT pollution and has very little effect on global temperature. CO2 increases after temperature increases and decreases when temperature decreases. If the CO2 level gets too low, around 180 ppm, I think, there's not enough of it to support plant life and of course animal life would die out as soon as plant life does. The safe upper limit on CO2 level is 5% or more, as it has been in the past when the biosphere was abundant.

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