Caitlin Johnstone wrote this week;

I often see questions like “Why are the billionaires destroying the world like this? What’s the point of amassing all that wealth if you’re just going to spend the rest of your life in some underground bunker?”

Such questions assume a level of rationality I don’t believe these people possess. Billionaires are driven by unconscious, irrational forces within themselves, not by rational concerns. Becoming a billionaire is itself an irrational thing to do; nobody needs that much money. Nobody’s safety, security, or quality of life is significantly improved by having billions of dollars instead of millions. No matter how much wealth you control, you can only drive one car at a time, wear one suit at a time, live in one house at a time. Past a certain level, accumulating more money becomes an absurdity by any possible metric.

People who amass that much wealth aren’t behaving rationally — they’re trying to fill a gaping hole within themselves that can never be filled. They’re reacting to early childhood trauma and compelled by dysfunctional psychological coping mechanisms. They’re subconsciously trying to compensate for believed stories of deficiency and lack; trying to chase after their long-dead father’s approval; trying to feel a sense of control in a world which felt very threatening to them when they were small. They’re not even acting based on any real concern for their own future, so why would they act based on concern for the future of the planet?

The obscenely wealthy people who rule our world are destroying it not out of stupidity or spite, but out of unconscious compulsion. A heroin addict doesn’t keep using because they don’t understand that heroin is bad for them or because they hope to overdose one day, they keep using because their addiction is driven by inner pain and psychological forces within themselves which they have not yet brought into consciousness. Becoming a billionaire and becoming a heroin addict are both irrational destructive behaviors driven by irrational internal dynamics. The only difference is that the billionaires are taking the rest of us with them.

(end of quote from Caitlin Johnstone)

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Thank you so much for posting your ‘Index to the Mysteries’ again!

I’d like to comment briefly on Graham Hancock (#11) and suggest an additional thinker researcher to your list.

Sometime in the early 1980s I came upon Vine Deloria Jr’s book God Is Red (the early edition!) where he describes the different understanding of God of Native Americans. In this book Vine Deloria Jr mentions Immanuel Velikovsky’s work describing the great upheaval. (It is interesting to note that, as far as I know, Graham Hancock does not mention Velikovsky — a testament to the power of science’s ‘cancel culture’.) Both, Velikovsky and Hancock write about the “Earth in Upheaval” and both write of “A Collective Amnesia” (Velikovsky Worlds in Collision p298).

Personally I would add: A Collective Trauma — the enormous sense of betrayal of ‘the Great Mother Earth swallowing her children. Which could be a powerful motive for the disavowal of Mother Nature and the yearning for a New Divine Father/Padre Arc, and a new, better, Man-Made Creation.

Which brings me to the work and words of Prof Claudio von Werlhof.

Please consider looking into her work.





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The other thinker I would suggest you add to your list is Penny Kelly, who has a very full account of what is going on and what we should be doing about it.

And if any reader is aware of any British thinkers addressing these issues, please let me know. Am desperately seeking such for my own Substack and other projects.

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The first of two comments from the UK, where I heard you on the UK Column panel.

Gregg Braden has a very interesting explanation of the geoengineering, which - no spoiler - you can find below. It would be consistent with interim aims of undermining human health and food growth. In my part of the country the interference is both obvious and relentless - for months we've rarely seen the sun for longer than a couple of hours in a week. And yet the majority of the population still have no idea, to the point where they don't even know that the century-old technology exists. Meanwhile the government is officially investing in sun-blocking programmes.


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This is wonderful John. Many, many thanks for it. Sue

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One of the best historians that I have listened to is Matthew Ehret. He is very prolific with many YouTube videos and substack articles. Also his wife Cynthia Chung has many great videos and articles. Here are some examples:


Presidential assassinations:


Ukraine War:


Venetian roots of Deepstate:


Matthew Ehret youtube channel:


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also, not easy reading but this, by Cynthia Chung, is good (the first half of this is good, the but roughly bottom half could be skipped except for the last 2 pages)


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