Pentagon Papers
Already as a law student in 1971, Sheehan was recruited for the Pentagon Papers case. He had been active on the Civil Rights Law Review, involved in a previous case (Black Panthers in New Bedford) seeking to establish a right of journalists to protect their confidential sources. If you remember, the Pentagon Papers were the inner debates about the Vietnam War, including assessments that were very different from the news releases prepared for the American public. They were leaked to the NYTimes and WaPo by Daniel Ellsburg, and Ellsburg was not eager to go to jail for telling the American public what he thought we ought to know. Did the Times have to reveal who it was who leaked the Pentagon Papers? The Court upheld the newspaper’s right to publish the Papers, but did not protect Ellsburg from prosecution. A case against Ellsburg was brought using the 1917 Espionage Act — the infamous law that is now hanging over the head of Ed Snowden and Julian Assange. A judge in 1973 dismissed the case with the doctrine of “unclean hands” — the government had behaved so egregiously that they had forfeited the right to prosecute Ellsburg.
(Can you imagine any court today making a decision on this basis? The courts are children of their times, and these times are trending totalitarian.)
During the Vietnam War, the Phoenix Program used laundered money from illegal drug sales to finance terrorism within Vietnam, killing tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese.
UFO connections — 1977 to date
1977: Sheehan was commissioned by the American Jesuit HQ in DC to ask the Vatican for access to all their UFO-related material, going back many centuries. The Vatican declined. At that early date, he was trying to educate SETI scientists about the spiritual implications of alien contact, and educate representatives from all the major religious denominations about what might be coming, “so we could get out ahead of the curve and we wouldn’t have another Copernicus and Galileo kind of thing…in which science would be contradicting basic theological tenets.” But neither SETI nor the Natl Council of Churches followed up.
For decades, our US military has squelched reports of flying saucers, consigning anyone who reported such craziness to a psychiatric exam. For example, Arnie Arnoldson was commander at an ICBM base in Montana in 1968, when UFOs shut down the launch capabilities of all Minuteman missiles. He reported the incident in real time, and learned that two nearby military bases were simultaneously, independently reporting the same thing. All the officers involved were, nevertheless, ordered to undergo psychiatric exams. Dr John Mack was, at that time, chair of psychiatry at Harvard, and it fell on him to do the exams. This was his first experience with UFO stories. He expected to be able to dismiss them, but all these officers tested psychiatrically normal. He did what any Harvard professor would do under the circumstances — he called his elderly mother. She recommended that he talk to Budd Hopkins, a seasoned UFO researcher who referred Dr Mack to people who had even stranger stories — stories of alien abduction. Without taking a stance on the reality of the accounts, he wrote them up for the New England Journal of Medicine. In an unprecedented response to a distinguished academic who had many previous publications with them, and also a Pulitzer Prize, the NEJM sent a messenger back to Harvard, and placed Dr Mack’s submission, still in an unopened envelope, into his hands. They were not going to consider sending it out for review.
Thus began Dr Mack’s foray into the world of alien contact. After he published his first book on alien abductions, his Harvard Dean dressed him down. Dr Mack found Sheehan to represent him.
It quickly became clear that the University wanted desperately to keep everything about this case quiet, while Mack and Sheehan wished to use the situation as an opportunity to get the evidence out in the open and stimulate academic debate. As the case attracted press coverage, Harvard dropped the case against Mack to cut its losses. He kept his tenure.
The military policy continues to this day, and brave servicemen still poke their heads out of the foxhole to report what they have seen.
A former air force chief claimed today how he saw a UFO firing four beams of light at a nuclear missile undergoing testing.
Ex-US Air Force First lieutenant Robert Jacobs alleged a craft, resembling a flying saucer, circled the dummy warhead during a test flight in California, during 1964.
But despite his claims of what he saw, the former serviceman was ordered never to breathe a word of what he saw, a bombshell press conference heard.
Along with other former American air force chiefs Dr. Jacobs was giving evidence about how aliens tampered with weapons systems during tests, at nuclear bases and even shut the missiles down. — NY Post, 2021
Along the way, as Sheehan recounts the story, Harvard steered Dr Mack surreptitiously to double-agent lawyers who would only pretend to represent his interests, while giving him advice that served Harvard. One of these lawyers was Eric MacLeish, who was later caught playing the same game for the Vatican. It was Sheehan who prosecuted the first Boston case against pedophile priests. Later, MacLeish “represented” people who had been sexually abused by Catholic priests. Secretly, MacLeish was working for the Vatican, making sure to settle each case with a gag order on his clients that avoided embarrassing publicity for the Church. Eventually, MacLeish was outed, and the Church in Boston was exposed not only for sexual abuse at the parish level, but also for a cover-up that reached all the way to Rome.
Eventually, Dr Mack’s interviews with abductees led to a second book and the founding of a non-profit institute, the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research. Sheehan tells the story of Betty Hill, who was abducted from their automobile in 1961. Under hypnosis, Ms Hill was able to recreate a star map that was shown to her by her abductors. Much later, when computers were capable of portraying the local astronomical environment in 3D, her map was matched to the night sky as seen from Zeta Reticuli, a star system 40 light years from Earth.
Dr Mack came to the perspective that there was a physical reality to UFO phenomena, and also a spiritual or metaphysical dimension, as first described by Jacques Vallee. He expanded his inquiry to talk to people from indigenous cultures that claimed extraterrestrial ancestry.
Through Dr Mack, Sheehan was connected with defense contractor Robert Bigelow, who bought the Skinwalker Ranch (Utah) because it was known as a paranormal hot spot. Bigelow reported what appeared to be portals to another dimension and tall, yeti-like creatures on the other side. When he brought in a team of scientists to investigate, the scientists were physically driven away and their equipment broken by “men in black who came in on unmarked helicopters”.
In 1995, Sheehan got his hands on a photo from the 1947 Roswell crash. US Air Force General Roger Ramey had been flown out to Roswell the morning after the UFO crash to pose for a newspaper photo and demonstrate to the world that this was a weather balloon. Sheehan was able to use modern digital enhancement techniques to blow up the negative from the original photo and read the telegram that Gen Ramey held in his hand. It contained instructions from Air Force command about what to do with the “disk” and what to do with the “bodies”.
Sheehan reveals off-handedly that the US smuggled plutonium to Israel, facilitating Israel’s manufacture of atomic weapons. He briefly mentions his investigation of the Iran/Contra connection, in which Congress had explicitly forbidden the Pentagon from providing military aid to subversives in Nicaragua, and the Pentagon evaded their proscription by channeling the weapons via Iran. In lieu of Congressional appropriations, the operation was funded with smuggled cocaine via our CIA, in cooperation with the Gambino mafia family.
One of the things that makes Sheehan credible in this interview is that at several points, Jones asks him to offer his opinion about causes and agencies, the story behind the story. Sheehan never takes the bait. “I’m not paid to speculate.” This adds to our sense, listening to him, that everything he tells us has been vetted by professional investigations and confirmed by multiple sources.
The Security State will be outed
Sheehan’s conviction is that within the CIA is a rogue organization that is historically connected to a Nazi past. They feel self-righteous, and see themselves as protecting America from greater evils. They want all the world’s energy and mineral resources to be cheaply available to American and multinational businesses. But they have created a vast, secret network within the US government that has gradually taken over since Dealey Plaza. He sees the UFO inquiry as the thread that will unravel their deceit over the coming months and years.
Current project
Sheehan is committed at present to what he perceives as the most important battle of his career. This is the Congressional demand that the US military reveal to Congress the full record of contact with ETs and reverse-engineered ET technology. A bill which recently passed (with some of the enforcement provisions removed) demands that all documents more than 25 years old be turned over to Congress.
The reason this is monumentally, earth-shatteringly, epochally important is twofold:
First, the history and pre-history of our species will be revealed. ETs have been battling over our planet and altering the course of human history for millennia. We may be a species genetically engineered by ETs. All the international power struggles, the world wars, dramas on the world stage have an ET dimension that will shed light on current history and shape our future.
Second, there is potential for transformative technologies — presumably available now to an elite military group or perhaps a breakaway civilization — that will jumpstart humanity into membership in the Galactic Federation. At minimum, energy will be cheap and easily available. Energy is a limiting technology for most extraction, manufacturing and transportation applications. At maximum, we will learn from beings whose life experience is different from anything that can be known on Earth. We may wormhole into distant parts of the galaxy.
Lue Elizondo was director AATIP, a Defense Intelligence agency tasked with collecting information about UFOs. Beginning in 2017, brought information to Congress and then to the public because he thought that what he was learning should not be secret. When his employer disowned him and denied he had any relationship to US Intelligence, Elizondo engaged Sheehan to represent him. He was responsible for the wave of revelations about the tic-tac incident in 2002, which made front page news of the NYTimes in December, 2017.
In 2023, David Grusch followed up with more testimony. Forty top military brass have given sworn testimony to the Senate Intelligence committee that we who don’t have security clearance don’t get to hear. Yet. Sheehan says that they corroborate the Grusch’s testimony, that our military contractors have reverse-engineered advanced technologies, capable of transportation through the galaxy and, presumably, of anti-gravity. (Already thirty years ago, Ben Rich, head of Skunkworks, the secret arm of Lockheed Aerospace, claimed that “we have the technology to take ET home”.)
Opposition in Congress comes from Mike Turner, whose home district encompasses Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, and from Mike Rogers, head of the Armed Services Committee, whose district encompasses the Redstone Rocket Range in Alabama. Both are linked to Radiance Technology, Inc, which has developed hypersonic missiles, the destabilizing technology that can deliver nuclear warheads anywhere on the globe within two minutes. (Old fashioned missile technology takes <30.)
_____________________M. C. Escher
So, there will be an irresistible force coming up against immovable barrier in the coming year. The irresistible force is Congress, which has a Constitutionally-guaranteed right to see this information. The immovable object is the “above top-secret” military bureaucracy that has nevertheless kept this technology secret and denied its existence to the public for over 75 years.
One thing that Sheehan thinks will tip the balance in favor of public disclosure is that there are hundreds of military officers who have been kept in the dark, people with top secret clearance who see their job as taking responsibility for the security of our country. They are none too pleased about having been gaslighted by the tiny elite who keep UFO information.
Stay tuned…
I have been preoccupied and finally took a break to read all 3 of your latest posts—including all of the comments—which covered very well all of mine. Such exceptional contributions! Fantastico!!
It would be interesting to have an update on Harold Katcher's rejuvenation research, hopefully here on Substack, rather than ScienceBlog, where it is now almost impossible to get a comment to post, as several people have pointed out.
here is Dr. Katcher's LinkedIn page:
on it, he says this:
"I am looking for new partners to bring rejuvenation to all mankind. If we make money, fine, but getting a reproducible rejuvenation treatment that can be commercialized will completely change mankind's journey, and that is my mission. My last company did not allow me the freedom to develop the product, and wasted huge sums of money on nothing of value. I want to be CEO and direct the allocation of money to where it is really useful for all of our mutual goals; rejuvenation and life-extension. I already have proof of principle, it's a matter of record; and now it's a matter of engineering. I would like the assistance of people with on-hands research experience - we're going for the big prize (and may also get the Xprize on the way)."
and this, from a few days ago:
"At age 72 I went to India to begin a new line of research on reversing age, after years of trying, I succeeded. Had I only lived to 75, the world would have been without hope. ... What if all the learning and experience we have gained during a long life were not just thrown away by our deaths, but could still be employed to heal the world? I know this is possible, in fact probable and in years, not decades."
you can also find an email address there, if you look around.
here is a recent (March 13th) interview,
where he says this:
"I continue working harder and harder, and I've quit my former company, and I'm forming a new company, because I didn't think they were going in the right direction, and following my advice. So I wanted to put my advice first, instead of some CEO. Most people think I did the right thing, actually."
It would be nice to have an update about how this project is going. Hopefully, interested people can help attract the attention and funding that Dr. Katcher's important work deserves.