Very intriguing article, I think you should post it on your "Aging matters" blog.

By the way I'm going through a similar path with regard to my enthusiasm for life extension and my understanding of the mystery of consciousness. Great to see you here

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Hmmm, this may explain a few things.

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Traditional scientists do a great job of seeing everything in greater and greater detail, quantifying but missing qualia. It's as if they're looking through the wrong end of the microscope, telescope, or other instrument. Here's one to take or leave, as the article notes (2 pages): https://www.opednews.com/articles/Dropping-Out-the-Backdoor-by-Daniel-Geery-Biology_Conflict_Consciousness_Eternity-190418-424.html

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"The science that we understand gives us the technology for transportation and communication, for comfort and convenience. But the science that we don’t understand imparts to us a sense of awe and wonder, and motivation to continue our investigations in new and creative ways." Such a critical insight for humanity at this juncture.

A great book that pursues similar questions is Infinite Awareness: The Awakening of a Scientific Mind, a memoir by neuroscientist Marjorie Hines Woollacott.

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