No mistakes were made. See denisrancourt.ca and his teams analsis!

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I looked at Denis Rancourt's presentation to Reiner Fuellmich. He finds the same trends that I find, but goes deeper into geography and has some explanations that I don't have. https://denisrancourt.ca/videos.php?id=89&name=2023_06_02_reiner_fuellmich_interviews_denis_rancourt_for_icic

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All fits with bankrupt governments and pensions cupboard bare. Also targetting disabled fits eugenist mantra.

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I think we can all agree that the data coming from the CDC cannot and should not be trusted, but this is a good place to start.

A few points/questions:

1) "COVID deaths were high in 2020 despite the restrictions, and twice as high in 2021 despite the vaccines." However the top causes of death table indicates there was no significant difference in Covid Deaths between the two years?

2) The most striking thing is the huge non-Covid excess mortality among the younger, especially the 35-44 group in both years, while 45-54 was completely spared. Hard to wrap my head around this. Both groups are generally highly employed and thus engaged in life as well as highly vaccinated for work reasons.

3) It's dumbfounding to me how anyone could think that Covid deaths were underreported. Speaks to the power of the media to brainwash the susceptible.

4) The CDC has license to change their numbers however they want. But they are stuck. If they state that covid deaths were overestimated in 2021 that allows them to make the argument that the vaccines helped. However they would have to explain why non-covid deaths in that year were even higher. If they do the opposite it will stand as the best evidence that the jabs did nothing good.

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For 2020, CDC reported 79,000 COVID deaths in the age range <65, and for 2021 there were 141,000.

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Okay but why did the table from the CDC with regard to top causes of death not have any numbers? Instead only a footnote that they were negative or not significantly different between the years? Is it because all age Covid deaths were about the same both years?

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I was focusing on non-COVID deaths in this article. But I agree the table was misleading. I'll change it.

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Are we sure August through October 2021 was not a relatively heavy vaccination period among younger people? That’s when the mandates were coming into effect, applying primarily to working-age adults and college students.

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That sounds plausible. I didn't look into vaccination by age group. In response to @markker, I listened to a lecture by Denis Rancourt. He claims to find a geographic correlation for this hot spot in a "vaccine equity" campaign aimed at the rural south.

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Incredible censorship by the mafia Medical Complex run by Enron-Madoff swamp creatures in Big Pharma. So many young deaths tied to the insidious jabs. And nobody talks about it.

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I agree: no mistakes. No official will learn from any mistakes, because they don't believe they made any.

I once wrote a paper in a political science class with the thesis that the government doesn't really make mistakes. They are extremely well-funded and resourceful. For anyone with the impression that government made a mistake, it's more likely they misunderstand what the true purpose was. I got a terrible grade, as the professor's pet theory was that government had gotten too complicated to solve any problems. :) But I stand by it.

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The meme of "government incompetence" was used by Reagan and then by Clinton to outsource a huge portion of the Federal Budget to private contractors who now do the same work that government employees used to do, but at twice the cost.

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Wow, Josh. Great work. Sue

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