Thank you for this in-depth review. It makes me grateful to have not vaccinated my child (he's now 16, the age of medical consent in Oregon is 15, and he has chosen not on the covid vax but also to update all the ones he missed. I can attest that he has generally been healthy most of his life in keeping with the data you shared of Dr. Thomas' patients.

I wasn't in nearly as bad of an accident as you, but did break my back and injure my brain (which I had to figure out on my own) and did take some pretty serious painkillers. I usually am not a take drugs for pain kind of person, but did so for a little while. However, I soon weaned myself off, and I had been doing an anti-inflammatory diet, which I continued, along with taking large amounts of turmeric for inflammation, fish oil for my brain, and weekly acupuncture treatments, and believe that is why two years after the accident I could run again. It was neurofeedback that helped with my insomnia, ptsd, and brain injury (I had short term amnesia and anomia), not drugs.

It is frustrating for me to hear that the author doesn't address vaccines in the same way he does all the other pharmacueticals. Perhaps you can contact him and ask him why? Or maybe there is already a youtube interview where some brave journalist asks?

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I do mean to ask him. He was in my college class.

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Which vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives?

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Smallpox and polio come to mind, but I haven't read the details and I'm open to being proven wrong.

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The book _Dissolving Illusions_ by Suzanne Humphries dispelled many of mine about vaccines. (Warning: The information in it is as valuable as the typesetting is terrible!) The smallpox section shows that the smallpox vaccine increased rates of smallpox and was the most dangerous vaccine (until these Convid jabs, which are not vaccines, and post-date the book).

And the polio vaccines were followed by a reduction in polio cases, but it was a scam. The diagnosis criteria were tightened (lab test now required, longer symptom duration as well) post-rollout. Jim West produced much evidence that polio, the disease, was caused by arsenic and DDT poisoning (with an unclear role for any polio virus).

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Thank you!

I'll take a look. I'm open to the idea that environmental toxins weaken the immune system, but I'll resist the idea that "there is no virus" based on broad evidence that looks a lot like transmission.

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For polio, I am not sure that transmission is needed to explain outbreaks. DDT spraying would poison people en masse, who would take different amounts of time to get sick, which would seem like contagion.

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I've heard this and I don't buy it. Polio outbreaks were urban, and DDT was rural. Bill Gates brought polio to India with a live virus vaccine.

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I don't think that it's so simple. DDT was used everywhere. Sure, the mass spraying of farms with DDT was rural by definition. But DDT was used like pixie dust in homes, urban and rural, sprayed on children playing in streets, etc. West's data is quite damning.

And it's not clear whether Gates brought polio *virus* to India. He certainly brought polio disease. But that can be caused by the polio vaccine itself (allegedly from the virus) or by other vaccines, probably also from Gates/WHO and whose "side" effects include neurological injury.

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Not true at all. Polio vaccine today causes more cases of polio and look at when the vax was invented and the number of polio cases (almost none) and of course changing the definition of polio helped carry off the illusion. DDT was the main contributor to polio and once they stopped spraying our neighborhoods with it in the summer (which is when children were getting polio) polio disappeared. It is proven in 3rd world countries today the vax is causing polio. I find it quite suspicious that so many strange diseases have resurfaced since the COVID injection started. No sorry. There are ZERO safe and effective vaccines. Smallpox was cured because of better hygiene and living conditions. It wasn't that long ago that waste and other disgusting things swirled down our streets.

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Thanks. And sorry to hear of your awful accident. I have done years of research on vaccines both pro and con and sorry but in my analysis there are no vaccines that are safe or effective. More children die or are disabled by many ailments from vaccines either immediately or years later than ever died from childhood diseases. And if you look at the stats you will see vaccines like polio vax and measles vax came about when the diseases were almost gone. They even went so far as to change the definition of polio to make the vax look like it did more than it did. Remember those DDT spray trucks that rolled through the neighborhood (depends on how old you in order to remember this)? Once they stopped polio just about disappeared. I was one of those kids that ran behind the truck through the smoke cloud along with all my neighborhood friends because yes we spent our days out doors not in the house in front of an IPad, computer or SmartPhoen. Natural immunity, good nutrition and exercise and losing weight do more for good health than a pill bottle or tip of a needle. And like you stated it has been proven unvaccinated children are healthier. Gee, why is it that autism is rare (as it once was before we assaulted our children with mass numbers of vaccines) in the Amish community? It is because they do not vaccinate their children. Japan was experiencing a huge number of SIDS deaths and in the 90's changed their childhood vaccination protocols. They no longer use the combined MMR vaccine. Children do not start vaccinations untll the age of 2 years old and several other changes were made. Today Japan has one of the lowest childhood mortality rates while the US doesn't even make the top 20. Time to get back to good health and instead of good "mecidine."

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Thank you so much Josh. I am sincerely glad to hear of your recovery. We all need you!

For your readers and commenters, here is an excellent video to share with friends/students/patients. It is from the Conscious Resistance's series, called The Pyramid of Power. Chapter 7 documents the origins of big pharma, the medical cartel, and allopathic medicine in the world


Another video--totally worth watching: Poornima Wagh, probably the most experienced virologist today, discusses how a virus is isolated, and proves why covid is not legit.


One more excellent video made by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Andrew Wakefield, called Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda. . . the story of African woman becoming infertile due to a tetanus vaccine.


May we all join our hearts and souls together, in healing the evil on our planet, through our freedom to choose health over sickness.

Thank you for letting me share.

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