Their numbers are vanishingly small. But our foundling fathers taught us that every minority must be permitted to find their own path to the Truth. So we have been patient.
Still, there comes a time when patience is no longer a virtue, and the Manifest Destiny of the Master Race must not be impeded by Panderers or the Faint of Heart. It goes without saying that all police states are safe and effective. That’s a Known Fact.
Speaking of known facts, people in America own nothing and they're happy. That's the objective Truth. So what are we to do with those few who persist in the illusion that they own nothing and they are UNhappy? We can house them in the luxury wing of the asylum. We can educate and seek to correct them. Surely this must make the reality of their happiness manifest to them. Except…
Except if their discontent is NOT a cognitive failure. What if it is, instead, a mental disease? What if this disease is contagious, a blight, an infection that threatens the Homeland if we allow it to spread?
What are we to do when people persist in this pernicious illusion that they are unhappy? We can pity them, but does this do them any good? Does it do anyone any good that we keep these deluded souls alive at public expense, while they insist that they are miserable? Can we allow their kvetching to mar the perfect happiness of those happy, good citizens who serve as their prison guards? What is the just and righteous thing to do in these circumstances, I ask you?
We remind ourselves of the basic fact that police state hesitancy is a disease. It is nobody's fault that he catches a disease. People who have a disease are not to be despised, merely because they happen to be beneath us.
But a disease can become an epidemic. When we recognize that there are diseased members within our community, can we allow them to infect others with their miserable disease? Or are we morally obliged to end the contagion and end their suffering?
These are profound moral questions that we face. Let us never trivialize them. Let no one say that these choices are easy. But in the darkest of times, we must remember this: The greatest good for the greatest number. We seek clarity by asking, how can the happy majority best be served?
Such is the reasoning that has led us to the EMPATHY program, Euthanasia for Minority Pathological And Tainted Hapless Youth.
What do you think? Please record your thoughts in the comment area below.
I was police state hesitant until a couple months ago. Then I discovered how to use the brutal arm of law enforcement to my best advantage. Now if there's someone I find annoying, intolerable, too ugly, or generally not compatible with the world I want to live in, I report them to the police. Almost any accusations works. Not vaccinated. Fake vaccine passport. Bodies buried in the back yard. Cheating at Monopoly. Within 24 hours, a SWAT team appears, breaks down their door, shoots anyone even attempting to scratch their heads wondering what's going on -- "The deceased appeared to be reaching for a weapon." -- and bingo! They're disappeared! I've pretty much emptied out my neighborhood. I've got no neighbors and I'm happy. Don't defund the police. Double their funding and give them clusterbombs and drones!
Good one, substituting Police State for The V. That's been what it's all about since the beginning.