I was police state hesitant until a couple months ago. Then I discovered how to use the brutal arm of law enforcement to my best advantage. Now if there's someone I find annoying, intolerable, too ugly, or generally not compatible with the world I want to live in, I report them to the police. Almost any accusations works. Not vaccinated. Fake vaccine passport. Bodies buried in the back yard. Cheating at Monopoly. Within 24 hours, a SWAT team appears, breaks down their door, shoots anyone even attempting to scratch their heads wondering what's going on -- "The deceased appeared to be reaching for a weapon." -- and bingo! They're disappeared! I've pretty much emptied out my neighborhood. I've got no neighbors and I'm happy. Don't defund the police. Double their funding and give them clusterbombs and drones!

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Good one, substituting Police State for The V. That's been what it's all about since the beginning.

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You were prescient with this piece, getting it out ahead of the Canadian Freedom Convoy and the imposition of martial law.

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