I enjoyed this article a lot. I am baffled by the intelligentsia who will acknowledge all of the history you have outlined but still smirk at the idea that this has been by design. "By design" is somehow a trigger phrase for them.

Who is Mr. Global?

It's a good question. I don't know the answer, but I do think it is worthwhile to consider WHY Mr. Global is doing what she/they/he are doing. Like, what's the deal bro? You already have more than any one could need or even spend in several lifetimes? Why keep pushing?

This is the thread that leads to something beyond the material realm. What is more valuable than stuff? For the vast majority of human beings, stuff is important. We need stuff to eat, to power our homes (if we have one) and the stuff in it, to survive and, if we are lucky, to have some time each day to exercise, contemplate, self-educate, nap, etc.

Whoever is behind the banking system, the war complex, organized religion, information/pharma industries, institutionalized science and academia have long outgrown the essentials and comforts the rest of us hope and strive for.

Control over conscious beings seems to be the commodity at their level. As long as sovereignty exists, these folks still have more to accumulate. It's their raison d'etre. Everybody needs one.

I think the need to control exists in each of us. Most of us temper our need to control others with morality and ethics which we are taught as kids. Few of us devote our lives to exploring the "dark side", to experimenting with exploitation without scruples. Who knows how yummy are the fruits of committing to this perspective wholeheartedly?

In the end, it has to come down to how we choose to regard each other. Are we connected? Do we serve as invaluable mirrors to each other to aid us in our own ontologic exploration? Or are we fundamentally separate? If that were the case, why not act completely selfishly?

As conscious beings we have the freedom to choose which perspective we take. One could say that this is an argument for love driving it all. Love for others vs love for self exclusive of all others. Love is behind both.

By choosing an intensely selfish path which gives rise to the systems of control Mr. Global has also given us a gift: a way for the rest of us to sharpen our discernment and our skills as liberators. It takes a Mr. Global hell-bent on imprisoning us to incentivize us to dig deep.

Ultimately Mr. Global has it wrong because the intensely selfish path is founded on the axiom that we are separate. It's an illusion that can only exist at the grossest planes. It's not just quantum entanglement, we cannot even define a boundary where our physical bodies end and the rest of the universe begins. I like to think that this becomes self-evident at higher planes of existence. For now we are locked in a battle and it would serve us to show up and engage.

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Yes, this inquiry leads beyond the physical into.the spiritual.

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I've been informed that Google was created under DARPA grant to Stanford University.

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I've heard similar.

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With grant money

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There are many views defining this existential, confrontation. What I find uniquely precedentless about it is the struggle to define who the warring parties are. Offhand, the following strike me as the most articulated:

- Governments vs. People

- Collective West vs. Global South

- Global Deep State vs. Elected Governments

- Borderless Corporate Oligarchy vs. Nation State

- Unitary Superpower vs. Emerging Great Powers

- Neo-Crusader Christian States vs. Caliphate-aspiring Islamic States

- Zionism vs. Goyim/Sub-Humans

- Sodom & Gomorrah Debauchery vs. Natural Binary Gender

- Brain-Chipped Transhumans vs. Biological Humans

- The Woke vs. The Sane

Am sure the list can be longer, depending on where one is coming from. Are they multiple battlefronts of the same war or different wars altogether? The former presupposes an elaborate orchestration by a central manipulating force or entity as you imply. The latter is just as plausible, that one or a few of these have spawned others in a runaway escalation.

It is becoming more and more clear the turmoil in America is an extraordinary clash between America as a nation and America as the seat of empire. For much of the post-WWII 20th century, the two could co-exist because the peddlers of narratives succeeded in presenting them as one and the same. This juxtaposing started fraying when the 21st century arrived. 9/11 was the turning point when the empire turned on the nation in open aggression. Much, if not most, of the rising tension within America and, consequently, across the world, is due to this cannibalistic war on oneself where the empire has drawn away from the nation as a distinct entity with a life and goals of its own.

Strauss-Howe's Fourth Turning is generally not taken seriously by the rest of the world as it is considered America-centric and, therefore, not all that much relevant to others. I see it as the epicenter of a seismic worldwide upheaval. For the sheer fact of America's historically unparalleled sweep of global hegemony, however flukish its rise may have been. When the center cannot hold, the peripheries cannot stay intact either. Control of the internet is one aspect of it but this goes far beyond. This is about America tearing itself apart in a war between nation and empire where the good lies in the nation and all that is evil is personified by empire. Who comes out of this as victor will determine what happens to the world at large.

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Ramani - You list 10 pairs of combatants in the current war. My question is whether there is collusion among the combatants, or even a global command center, Who is Mr Global?

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John's comments below trigger another chain of thought. Like many of us frustrated and appalled by the relentless descent into chaos all around, I ruminate at times about an external intervention. Not necessarily divine intervention but perhaps a natural calamity that supersedes the machinations of the evil strangling the world. Or a Mr V, or some 'good' aliens to push back the bad ones.

I realize such wistful thinking, indeed a longing, comes from despair. Even though there are many of us still active in cyberspace searching for truth, justice and a restoration of sanity, our victories are too few and far between. We gain a yard or two here and there in some corner of the world, but the evil is on a roll, gobbling up large swathes of ground that were 'free' not too long ago. It is its seeming unstoppability which gives rise to my yearning for something from outside the realms of normal human experience to do what we seem unable to.

What form this intervention takes is impossible for me to foresee. However, as a physicist, you will appreciate where I am coming from. The universe is governed by the overarching principle of controlled tension between opposing forces that cannot exist without one another: light vs. darkness, gravity vs. centrifugal force, proton vs. electron, supernova vs. blackhole... Under this principle, the universe is a self-correcting being that abhors extremes. Whenever one force threatens to completely overwhelm its opposing force – and thereby invite its own destruction –, a natural law of the universe kicks in to restore equilibrium and to preserve the universe's own existence. This is what I am waiting for. It may not happen in my lifetime or yours, but happen it will. Some may choose to call it an act of god. I prefer to see it as a demonstration of the universe's self-correcting mechanism.

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Josh, you wrote,

"I suspect there is a higher level in the chain of command, maybe ancient wealth or the power elite or something more exotic. Underground breakaway civilizations? Alien overlords? Morlocks? Catherine Austin Fitts calls them Mr Global, and that’s as good a label as any."

This is not a toss-off comment, as we know, but it is also not really possible to get a clear answer, and it is not necessary to have a clear answer in order to call out evil and manipulative-lies, nor to do right oneself.

I personally seek Divine Guidance, which is not a formal ritual, as I see it, but a sincere desire to see the right course of action for the benefit of all. That sincere desire to know right and to do right can take lots of different ritual forms, and different spiritual traditions teach those, but they are just forms for the essential desire of your true-self and my true-self to purposefully harmonize with the Divine unfolding into more harmonious engagements with each other and our natural world.

Whether our personal "demons" are Demons, or not-quite, the difference between treating the world and other living beings mechanically, without respect for life, and treating them as we would want to be treated, and with compassion, is the sharp divide.

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It’s love baby. It doesn’t always look like cuddles and sometimes feels hard but love keeps us together.

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You did that on purpose, right?


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You bet.

Hey Fadi Lama’s latest on Substack is a good read…

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I don't know, Josh. But I tilt towards a central manipulating entity fanatically committed to a One World order with the US-led West calling all the shots.

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It's great to see you tackle global control and the role of monopoly as the handmaiden, the facilitator, the sine qua non. That is why all tech platforms so easily rolled over to accommodate requests from all the gov't agencies to police speech. This has been obvious for years, but esp during Covid and the ascendancy, if you can call it that, of the Biden admin. Biden and Lina Kahn and the FTC has been, arguably, the one bright spot of his admin. They have actually taken on the role of anti trust enforcer. Lina worked under Barry Lind's tutelage. Facebook, Twitter, Google, all of em, and every officer of the corporation, completely understood, although they could not articulate it for obvious reasons, that they could delay anti trust scrutiny by doing the bidding of the gov't to control the people. This is such an obvious quid pro quo. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. You don't defend free speech when you are on track to make a fortune in stock options. You just don't.

Check out Matt Stoller's book on Monopoly - Goliath: The Hundred Year War B/W Monopoly Power and Democracy. It came out 6-7 years ago. Stoller, Lind, Kahn are all together. The book is a very good read of the people and ideas and politics of anti trust. Bork came out of UChicago and the whole Austrian movement. Utter depravity of utilitarianism. If it cost less, it can't be bad. "Consumer benefit".

But here's the real kicker in my reading of Stoller's book... The heroes of the anti trust movement from 100 to 125 years ago were mostly Republican Senators from the Midwest who believed that you had to protect small business owners, not because they would produce goods at a lower cost because there would be more of them (not a monolithic monopolist who could exert price controls in favor of business owners at the expense of market buyers), but because more small business people led to more democracy. More voices with stakes and some power.

Anti monopoly was not seen primarily as a way to lower end user cost of consumption, but rather more players with stakes leading to better decisions. More democracy from those who should be in the mix making decisions.

It is high time to set aside Bork's "consumer benefit" standard. Might we look at a standard that leads to more informed producers as the standard, even if it means higher consumer prices?

Obviously, we have real problems from gov't collusion with Big Tech/Pharma/Ag/you name it and it's going to take a lot of policy changes. Regulator and regulated are in cahoots. Real food costs real money. Ain't no way around it. Maybe a world where producers "make a living" makes some sense.

We have a lot of work to do!

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What are your thoughts on the U.S. Constitution itself being the first instance of the Deep State in the U.S., considering that the Constitution was promoted by centralizers, including banksters, and included confusing the terms "federalist/ism"? How about the Federal Reserve creation in 1913?

The history you cited up to modern times is valuable, but I'm curious what you think of arguments that push the Deep State farther back in time than the late 1800s and deeper into the financial realm than is commonly thought.

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I don't know enough history to give an intelligent answer. IMO, the Constitution would be an improvement over where we are now, with no free press, no habeas corpus, no protection from unreasonable search, etc.

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Thanks, I will check out those books - I often get your recommendations / reviews, and they are usually extremely enlightening..

I agree, we are rapidly approaching a moment of polarization between the controlled slave world run by google / "Mr Global", in which everything that can be controlled will be controlled, and the free world that is being built using the things that cannot be controlled: bitcoin and nostr.

You probably know about bitcoin. Money that cannot be controlled by govt supercedes govt.

Nostr is an open protocol for social media that allows anyone to build any platform they like with no central point of failure. It's where all free folk will end up when the proprietors of substack, twitter etc have succumbed to the gun in the face.

Read about it here: https://reason.com/2024/08/13/can-nostr-make-twitters-dreams-come-true/

5 min vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp-BlTbTmqA

A good place to try it: www.primal.net

Lots more resources: www.whynostr.com

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satanists united.

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