I remember when the news came out that the Covid virus came out of China, thinking it was a bioweapon. I had been watching China's take over of products on amazon, and could see that they'd already infiltrated our consumerism system and it was just a matter of time. Lyme disease, tho? wtaf. I guess our standard American diet, toxic chemicals via Monsanto, isn't killing us fast enough?

I like scientific experimentation, but seriously, it's like Doc Oc took over the labs.

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Excellent, well written, clear, informative, convincing. Thanks for this.

Did you mean your last sentence "Let’s make bioweapon research go viral" to say something like "Let’s make awareness of bioweapon research, or challenges to it go viral"? And speaking of reckless endangerment and disregard checkout my latest on FDA's allowance of higher levels of Cesium 137 in our food.


For Those Who Still Trust the FDA. Radioactive Cesium – 137 Limits in Food by Country

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Aug 22, 2022Edited
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>>Prohibition never works like it's supposed to...

I'm sympathetic to the anarchist perspective. But for the present we live in a nation of laws, and in the US as presently constituted, we depend on the laws being enforced without prejudice.

>>the scope of forcings that cause human disease

Perhaps you could explain and give some examples.

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Aug 22, 2022
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Please don't dismiss anarchy. It's been given a bad rap the last 100 years or so, but it's the glorious tradition of Emma Goldman and others.

You make sweeping statements about "prohibition". Should we repeal laws against murder? Against embezzlement? Against burglary and blackmail? These laws haven't stopped the problem. Maybe they are tourniquets.

I have read the 道德经 in many translations, and I like Mitchell's in particular. The relevant line that sticks with me is, "The best leader is invisible. When his work is done, the people say: we did it ourselves."

I'm not the leader. But you and I are the people. Let's end bioweapons research ourselves.

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