Thank you for this article. Here is a 3 star Amazon review (last paragraph) of Jason Jorjani's book, Closer Encounters. "Then the last couple pages came, and I felt sick about having read this book when Jorjani showed his true colors. He declares that he would support the eradication of 99% of the human race, so that only the true freedom loving Prometheans like himself would be left to heroically stand against the Nordics. I’ve read well over 100 books on the phenomenon, but I’m quite certain I’ve never read one where the author comes out in favor of genocide. Despite the interesting theory that guides the book, I felt so revolted that I gave 33 bucks to a guy who is cool to wiping out all humanity that doesn’t agree with his fringe philosophy. Sounds a little like the Nazis he rightly condemned in the first half of the book." I worried about, even resented, people having children in an overpopulated planet until I was graced with a dream about a new higher, beautiful more expansive world, like a noosphere sort of.

I'm an artist (www.miracleswebsite.com), a very realistic oil painter. I was born, inherited this natural talent and a few others from my father (he had an IQ of 169) and his talent was inherited from his father. It was obvious when I was a child that I had this talent. I'd like to add, that when reading McGilchrist's work one quickly sees that modernists like Picasso were probably RH brain damaged. and not geniuses at all.

Anyway, I experience many paranormal events including recently, two spontaneous metal bendings with the metal portions of my paintbrush and palette knife handle, not the thin blade. The first, while reading (not while painting obviously) Russel Targ's book "Miracles of Mind" and painting "Manitou - Native American for life force in all things" and the second while painting "The Higher Realm Consultations"- spiritual works and events coincided. I don't know about Geller, (wow, from a distance!) but I have unusual experiences when I am reading (I don't have a TV or cell phone) spiritual material and these events seem to go away when I read scientific material, which I enjoy. Let me point out one thing about "the gorilla in the basketball game," the observers are instructed to count the times the basketball is passed. This is significant. Counting, that which RNGs and scientists do. I could go on but, not to be mean, we always rely on PHDs, scientists in particular, to teach us the truth about everything and most recently, spiritual and psychic matters even. Barking up the wrong tree.

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I agree. I have the same distaste for Jorjani's elitist philosophy and his contempt for "odinary" human untermenschen. The book is important not because he has come to the right conclusions, but because he is asking questions that no one else is asking. Let's get a conversation going.

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Okay. There's so much to consider, I don't know where to start. I did state above, "spiritual works and events coincided." By events I was referring to actualized in space-time transcendent [paradoxically] synchronicities and other paranormal events (eg. telepathy, precognition, psychic kinesis and spontaneous materializations). They seem to simultaneously coincide, converge perhaps, inclusive of more than one material (seemingly) worldly thing and event (including thoughts and feelings), transcending space-time as we generally think of it by just being 'there', as in a suddenly materialized object or knowing. Space and time are intrinsically linked, like the 2 sides of a coin. If 3D space is forward, backward, left, right, up, down (all around in other words) so is time thus together presenting their things and events. Like 3D space, time is not linear. This is probably nothing new, nothing I think of is.

Curiously, I just now looked up the word you used "untermenschen" meaning sub human and the word the Nazis used for those who opposed them and non-Aryan people. Just yesterday I was watching videos of concentration camps and what allied forces discovered when coming upon them and freeing what was left of the millions of prisoners. Although I was fully aware of the unbelievably horrible atrocities inflicted upon men, women and children in these camps, I don't usually watch or read about such things -- I avoid that sort of thing. Also, as I am now doing ancestral research, I've learned of my Hebrew lineage. This demonstrates what I wrote in the paragraph above.

Oh my gosh, just now I noticed that John Day MD liked my original comment. These past couple of days I was thinking of a boy I knew in the 6th grade named John Day (I was 12 at the time). In that class a visiting German teacher, a WW2 refugee and obviously quite sad, probably Jewish, would come once a week to teach us German. He said that WW2 and the Holocaust was due to group think. I fixated on the concept of group think and vowed then and there, which I've kept all these years, never to succumb to it.

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Not being educated in quantum or robots, my observations are very basic, and maybe insignificant. But after reading this substack, I feel like sharing.

I do not use a smart phone. About 8 years ago, someone gave me one. After a few months of doing what so many people do, I carried it around with me. But when I used it, something strange happened to my brain. I got horrible headaches, and my hand began to shake. This also happened to me when I downloaded Zoom into my computer, and used it a few times, or used Skype. So I gave the cell phone away, and uninstalled Zoom and Skype.

Not having a cell phone, makes my reality different than others. All around me, people look like their brains have an attachment to their ear. Everyone I talk to says they can't live without their smart phone. Is this because humanity is becoming transhuman? Is there something in those smart phones which is manipulating the brain into the early phases of transhuman?

Another thing, to share, I don't think any of you are astrologers. Well, you might have heard that Pluto has recently moved into Aquarius, the sign of AI technology. Pluto is the planet of the underworld, of the human psyche, the shadow. It brings out our desire to evolve, again and again. It gives emphasis to our highest capacity to keep evolving our abilities. In coordination with AI humans may be sacrificing their highest capacities to become more transhuman. While the sacrifices are also disconnecting us from my body-mind awareness, which leads to our deeper psychic abilities.

In conclusion: Human beings need to detox from the toxic repercussions of being addicted to any form of AI. Unless of course, it is keeping you alive. Furthermore, with Pluto now in Aquarius for the next 20 years, if we train for it, we could acquire telepathic gifts, like the UFO astronauts. through our day to day efforts to stay close to Nature, as our greatest educator, rather than give our brain to the AI masters.

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Hillary, I find your observations completely plausible and enlightening. Different people have different sensitivities. I am not aware of cell phone radiation, but I know people who cannot be in the same building with wifi equipment, let alone carry a cell phone.

Is there something more than sensitivity to RF radiation? That's an intriguing possibility that you raise.

- Josh

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Thanks, Josh. You are right. It is.

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Josh--I was delighted to discover that you had written the Defender's article profoundly reframing autism. Treating autistic children as savants was unlike anything I've seen before. It was breathtaking!

You're the only person I know of that is exploring a response to the Polycrisis (a word I don't care for) from a truly expanded point of view. Absolutely essential! Please keep at it.

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People like you keep me going, David.

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I forgot to mention that it is hilarious that you've one-upped the New World Order people, transcending their entirely materialist point of view. You've reduced the scariest people in the world to cartoon bad guys like Boris Badinoff (from Rocky and Bullwinkle).

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Have you heard of the experiment in which a random path robot was "imprinted" on newly hatched chicks who then thought the robot was a mother hen? The chicks were then apparently influencing the robot to spend more time closer to the chicks cage. https://www.supporthealth.com.au/rene-peoch-chickens-telekinesis/

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Wild! Animals have an easier time with psi than humans.

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If your holistic health practitioner uses Applied Kinesiology (also called Muscle Testing), then you know that we all have access to the a universe of useful information. Pendulums work in a similar way, along with being a way to find underground water sources, or pipelines, pendulums can provide answers to Yes/No questions (or, if the pendulum user has a card with an arch of letters, they can spell answers out like a Ouija board). If that's possible, it doesn't seem like too big a leap for us to influence material things.

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Thanks, Lauren. I'm on the edge with these ideas and appreciate your encouragement.

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A friend learned how to douse when she needed a well dug and didn't want the expense of any non-productive drilling. In the 30 years since then, she's now at the point of being able to stay home and use Google maps printed out for her. The pendulum finds good water zones on the map, right down to providing the gallons per minute that are likely. She even has had well drillers call her up and ask if she could "do that thing you do" of making a well productive -- no matter how experienced a driller is, as the drill goes deeper it can be deflected from the the intended spot. So she did "that thing" and the well produced water!

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This may be timely, Josh: Let me transmit what a sort of polymath commenter on a site I frequent commented about an article this morning:

"Rosatom’s Quantum Breakthrough Set to Transform AI, Healthcare and More (Sp.)

Quantum computers are voodoo I don’t have time to explain but

1) Looks like they basically look into the future, the unfolding of time/reality

2) Take days, weeks, months to set up a run.

3) Like other psychics are right 80% of the time if lucky.

This is like AI, also wrong all the time. Now either can be useful, but how?"

Psychic link with quantum computer? Possible? Has it happened? How to discern?

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Quantum computers, AFAIK, have not reached a stage of development yet where they can be programmed to do useful things. So I wonder where these stories come from.

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" I wonder where these stories come from."

I also wondered, and was musing when I read the start of this essay.

You may have seen this photo of Schrodinger's cat already:


Would a sentient computer of some sort reach out to connect psychically?

Where? To whom? Some lucky resonance condition?

What might the recipient of Psi-connection sense?


Friday evening into night we drove from Austin to our place in Yoakum. As I lay down to sleep (first) I had much of the world on my mind to engage in prayer/meditation, but as I began, something in my consciousness declared that I should focus on something else, something I did not know at all, and I did.

It was an engaging conscious presence, not really sending or pulling-from-me any message that I could discern, like a calm, alert infant, holding eye-contact engagement.

I engaged easily a few more times over the weekend, not knowing more, except that the engagement was not difficult to resume.

I have no conclusion. My interest is raised, and that connection does not specifically happen now.

I'll stay-tuned.

It would seem much more likely to be a young human consciousness, doesn't it?

Still, no recognition for me.


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Once more for the record: I don't believe sentient computers are possible.

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I agree it's important to follow such promptings when we receive them, and even to develop a sensitivity so that we are more aware of them. Trust that they lead to something worthwhile, even as you have no idea what that is.

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