I enjoyed reading this essay very much.

"Well, the truth has probably already leaked out long ago, and many times since. But it will leak in a way that is so squarely in our faces that people have to start believing it, even though it makes their heads spin, even though it is so bewildering and disorienting that no one can assimilate the new reality. It will be a time of great volatility. People who believe this strange truth will be convinced to believe even stranger things that may not be true. The Overlords will escalate their censorship and propaganda, but it will be too late to close the barn door."

I would like to think that it will leak in such a way in the near future, however I am not convinced that it will have immediate results. "They" tipped their hand 22 years ago in the most obvious fashion. The problem is we have a public that will trust the media more than their own eyes and common sense.

Any such reveal may take decades for the public at large to apprehend the fact that the barn door is wide open.

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We've got our work cut out for us.

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Thank you for introducing me to this cogent representation of your thoughts and observations, Josh.

It mostly overlaps with my own model of "reality".

There is so much which cannot be confirmed, but which is alluded to by events we may observe in our peripheral vision, through direct and indirect contacts.

I do think that we need, and it is a personal endeavor, to become more spiritual, less egoistic, before "we" can be stewards of occult energy technologies, such as cold fusion and zero point energy, especially zero point energy. The overlord "we" is sociopathic by nature, as you illustrate some, which is an apex-predator model of human ecology.

"We" need to transition to a cooperation-in-stewardship of life on earth, in order to "shift-paradigms", but how to bell that cat? "Paradoxically", that is personal work, which expands to include others, once the deeper exploration into "self" reveals the interweaving of our conscious-nature, and perhaps the consciousness of universal reality within universal Consciousness. I will not try to prove that "objectively", which "objectivity" is an illusion, within that model, and likely just a "mental construct", anyway.

I am slowly practicing living in Ahimsa, which is imperfect, but an intention, and practicing the golden-rule, by way of progressively allowing myself the capacity to better understand.

"Prayer" has healing qualities, but what is "prayer"? "Prayer is not asking God to carry your water. Prayer is carrying your water."

I think telekinesis is too hard, and just a trick, anyway.


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I'm with you on all these strategies and practices. As Eisenstein says, this planet is going to need some miracles in the next few years, and it's not unreasonable to count on them -- just keep light, and never think you can plan how any particular miracle might unfold.

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"Thy will be done" is really how I see things now.

I know that I don't know, but I hold beneficent intention, so I can only get-there by helping the Divine Plan. I want to be a useful instrument toward that transition of our roles into cooperative stewardship of life.

Buddhism has been a very useful path for me in the transformation of egoic self (still plenty of that left), and I have read the Urantia Book extensively, given to me a few years ago by a good friend.

I am recently enjoying a Valentinian Gnostic view through the Tripartite Tractate, buried in a big jar in Nag Hamadi Egypt around 300 AD or so, as such things were being destroyed by the Catholic Church authorities as heretical.

Cyd Ropp was made known to me by Tessa Lena, who interviewed her. She's a guide. https://cydropp.substack.com/

The Tripartite Tractate is slow reading without clear context being given (though I did so).


Cyd is going through it at a modest pace, and is a very good teacher, both in written text, and in her recordings.

My feeling is that I am looking for "Gnosis", connection with The Divine, and am grateful for as many useful perspectives on that as I can be presented. Each of us creates some internal composite perspective of truth, with which to work, and with which he/she can work.

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Beautifully said.

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I appreciate someone with the intellectual capacity and courage to write on these fringe and easily labeled delusional and paranoid subjects.

I was in a field where we tried on a regular basis to keep secrets. It was impossible the moment more than one person knew the subject item. However, our only threat was loosing your job not imprisonment or worse. There seem to be some secrets that endure under that harsher reality.

How does one navigate these subjects? In a spectrum that ranges from unexplained observation to uninhibited paranoia its hard to tell where any of these items are situated.

It's stimulating to read and difficult to reconcile.


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I remember reading that after the JFK murder, more than 2,000 people were murdered to keep truth from spilling out.

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Thank you for sharing your insights and reflections Josh.

In the last week, I have found 2 speakers who address an expanded metaphysical reality in a way that I find compelling, while also not knowing where or how to share about these interesting insights. I have a fear about offending friends by revealing how open-minded I am, while also lacking confidence in discernment in assessing the reality on these frontier topics.

I am reminded that Substack is an appropriate place to share these reflections. The 2 speakers are David Icke, and his Christmas Eve movie “The Dream” and Jacob Angeli Chansley who has hosted several recent Twitter spaces on Spiritual Warfare that have been stimulating my imagination.

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Of course, I know Icke, and I will check out Chansley at your recommendation.

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You've managed to capture the distinct quality of uncertainty that arises as one starts to figure out that intensively propagandized mass events like the pandemic are only a part of a much larger strategic plan by persons unknown. That uncertainty interferes with one's ability to feel at peace in the Universe.

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Life is stranger than any of us expected.

There is a somber, imponderable fate.

Enigma rules, and the heart has no certainty.

----Richard Eberhart

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I am thinking of the famous SF novel then the 1970 movie. A.I. war machine takes over to bring world peace. Colossus:

This is the voice of Colossus, the voice of Guardian. We are one. This is the voice of unity. This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace. It may be the peace of plenty and content or the peace of unburied death.

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Colossus could well be one force in play as well if advanced technology is available. And further out technology creates a world of velocity and mass alienation --The Society of the Spectacle

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Tell me more about Colossus.

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Thank you for curating this leisurely rational journey to the center of the Earth and the beating hearts of stellar nucleosynthesis. Much less foreboding than the version on takeaway civilizations i read from C.A. Fitts. She said it is mostly prisons for the damned and forgotten and storage zone for ghastly weapons of power beyond our comprehension. You have a lighter take on the subject. Methinks it lends itself well to meditations on the underworld and its denizens. The fantasies tell us more about ourselves and our societies than anything. My sagely looked at me in gentle pained bewilderment when i tried to explain these visions to him as a fact. What if what we are really talking about here is ants?

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I once wrote a short story about an AI that developed in the 1950's and that then decided to trigger the ICT revolution in order to create an environment to thrive in - Just like humans have changed the world around them for thousands of years to suit their needs.

The longer I thought about this the more I believe that this is a credible scenario. Trickles of advanced technology could have been slowly made available to the masses to further a master plan, changing the world around us. Even if that master plan is as simple as the breakaway civilization firmly staying in control.

We have to wonder though why such advanced technologies are not being made available to the US economy or the Pentagon, with the US now arguably in full retreat all over the globe. This suggests that in the grand scheme of things the current demise of the American Empire is not seen as an issue of any great importance.

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Good point. I think you've made a case that whoever is in control of this advanced technology has no loyalty to the USA. An important piece of the puzzle.

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Yes, this resonates with me too.

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Your predictions for 2024 appear to be breaking out a bit late, but we seem to be approaching a 4th-Turning Crisis, with a populist wave developing to oppose overlords it mostly does not comprehend. I've read this carefully again, and have taken several of the detours, like this one: https://experimentalfrontiers.scienceblog.com/2023/05/30/schoch-waves-from-the-solar-system-and-beyond/

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I appreciate hearing your peaceful and very thoughtful presentation of these topics. Thank you!

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