An invitation to investigate together the COVID deception and other crimes against humanity
It’s hard to take in the rampant, deliberately engineered destruction that is taking place all around us, to catalog it and form a sense of its scope. But it is harder yet to imagine who would be doing such a thing, how did they acquire such power, and what is their motivation? Hardest by far is to consider the COVID deception in the context of other attacks on humanity and our support systems, supply chains, and means of production. This is a crime of unimaginable proportions, on the scale of a stealth world war. This essay is an invitation to think about the unthinkable and open a public discussion.
Two thirds of the world was pressured to receive injections of an experimental product sold as “vaccine”, though its design was a distant offshoot of vaccines in the past, and its testing was hasty and dishonest. Sure, it generated tens of billions in profits for Big Pharma; but the economic costs of the COVID deception were in the tens of trillions, and the social and human costs were incalculable. How can we understand how this happened?
COVID came from a bioweapons lab; for this, there is solid genetic evidence. The “lab leak hypothesis” became mainstream a year ago; but there is circumstantial evidence that this was no “leak” but an attack on the world, and this hypothesis remains undiscussed by the Talking Heads, and censored on all mainstream platforms. (RFK’s book is an essential source. More speculative is the book by Doctors Breggin.)
COVID was used to justify worldwide lockdowns, which caused mass starvation among the most vulnerable, loss of employment for hundreds of millions more, suspension of cultural institutions, loss of community activity, disintegration of families, anxiety, addiction, suicides…
How can we understand the people and institutions that brought us this nightmare?
9/11 was the last Big Deception, and many years of research paint a mosaic of different motives. Some people made a lot of money. Some well-connected defense contractors got the war they wanted and the green light for huge increases in defense spending at a time when there was no rival to US military power. Records evaporated for $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon. Israel’s perceived enemies were pummeled. Perhaps most important, there was an opening for extra-Constitutional surveillance of American citizens and whole new branches of government were permitted to operate in secrecy, with no accountability to the voting public.
All this is to say that we might look for a confluence of interests to explain the COVID deception. Profit for a pharmaceutical industry that has grown increasingly corrupt is the most obvious motive this time, and — echoing 9/11 — there is further tightening of “security”, more government secrecy, and an expanded web for surveillance of us all. (The technologies for tracking our movements and our every transaction didn’t exist in 2001.) There has been weakening of family and community; art and music and theater have been put on hold. This has had the effect of disrupting the communication that permits humanity’s collective brain to function. We are dumber, more isolated, afraid and confused. We are ever so much more likely to obey, and easier to govern. These changes in culture and social psychology are certainly welcome to anyone who harbors dictatorial aspirations.
Population reduction?
The idea that there is a conspiracy to randomly kill off some substantial fraction of the 8 billion people on earth is horrifying. No one wants to think this could be true, and yet it is a credible meme within the community of people trying to make sense of the COVID deception.
If directly poisoning billions of people is their goal, we would have to judge that they have screwed up royally. The number of people killed by the vaccines and the pandemic together is in the range of 20 million worldwide. An educated guess is that it is ⅔ killed by the disease and ⅓ by the vaccine. On the one hand, this is an enormous number of murders, enough to scandalize anyone who is aware of what is going on, and to inspire plans for an international war crimes tribunal. On the other hand, it is only 2 tenths of 1% of world population. So, if population reduction was their goal, they have just shot themselves in the foot. They have blown their cover and revealed their intent before they have made meaningful progress toward their goal.
This reasoning makes me think of three possibilities:
Perhaps the COVID bioweapon was designed to be far more lethal than it turned out to be, and Mr Global didn’t realize this before he released it.
Perhaps the spike protein was engineered to kill slowly, a time bomb in the body, the horrific effects of which are yet to manifest.
Perhaps the spike protein was engineered to impair fertility. Deaths and injuries that have been short-term side-effects of vaccination are a design defect, and they have occurred only because it is difficult to sabotage fertility without doing auxiliary damage.
I think of #3 as most likely of these possibilities, but it is problematic as well. For example, there are credible stories about batch effects, analyses that show that different batches of the same vaccine from the same manufacturer are causing side effects at very different levels. This points to the vaccines as an ongoing stealth experiment rather than a direct assault on the human population.
It is fair to say that Mr Global is utterly callous with respect to the murderous toll of his actions, but the idea that mass murder is actually the primary goal of the pandemic response is unconvincing.
Other dimensions of the attack on humanity
The many dimensions of the COVID crime are a difficult enough nut to crack, but there are other attacks on humanity that are more mystifying yet, if not more horrible. Is there reason to believe these are related? Only that each of them is so enormous that they require control of governments and media on a scale that suggests the world could not accommodate more than one such entity.
Weather modification. This is a military technology that was developed decades ago, and I find it to be more plausible than global warming as an explanation for 110 degrees in Seattle last year. (Global warming is responsible for only 2 degrees F so far.) There are reports that US operations have sabotaged grain harvests in other countries. Maybe there are other countries creating droughts and storms in America. Can we prove it? Of course not. That’s one of the advantages of waging stealth weather warfare. It is eminently deniable — easy to ridicule anyone who imagines such a thing could be happening. [read more]
Some features of the California fires suggest large-scale arson by someone with access to extraordinary technology. There are streets where all the houses are burned and the trees between them are uncharred. There are cars with melted engine blocks, implying extreme high temperatures.
Food processing plants and grain silos are burning. The number of such events has increased suspiciously above a background of accidents that we might expect. Planes drop out of the sky and land precisely on food plants in Georgia and Idaho, and no pilot can be identified. Poultry is being slaughtered to prevent questionable epidemics. Hundreds of millions of pigs in China succumbed to a mysterious epidemic. [Listen to the Ice Age Farmer]
Western sanctions against Russia seem only to be benefiting Russia, but Europe is reeling from natural gas shortages, and energy prices are up all over the world. Maybe our leaders are just incompetent, but I suspect that these results were intentional. Blowing up the Nordstream pipeline raised the price that Russia could charge for its gas and deprived West Europeans of home fuel and industrial feedstock.
Ports, shipping, and railroads all have been disrupted, creating shortages, increasing the price of everything,
Censorship has attacked political discourse and even scientific research. It started in 2016 with the idea that Trump and his supporters needed to be throttled. The idea that it’s OK — even desirable — for government to work with media giants to make sure that dissenting ideas are suppressed has become mainstream. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industry’s influence over the research literature has leapt forward and merged with government agendas, to the point where one prominent journal editor asked us Is it time to assume that all research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?
An attack on free speech is, of course, an attack on democracy. More directly, democracy is under attack when votes are counted by secret software, and when corporations are permitted to buy inordinate influence in the political process.
Technologies of central control have been proliferating. More and more of the lives of ordinary people are under surveillance and are regulated. Meanwhile, we know less and less about what our leaders are doing because security requires secrecy. Of course, the ideal for democracy is just the opposite: Ordinary people have a right of privacy, and governments have a duty of transparency.
Let’s start with the undeniable
Mr Global is the name that Catherine Austin Fitts uses to describe the people and institutions who are trying to consolidate world control via stealth atrocities.
Mr Global distrusts the judgment of common people, and therefore he thinks democracy is a non-starter. In this, he is in the august company of Plato and Alexander Hamilton. Also Ayn Rand.
Add to this the hubris of the megalomaniac. He thinks that he can make better decisions for mostpeople than we can make for ourselves. He is so convinced of this that he thinks he can hire people to design algorithms for him and that the algorithms will make better decisions than mostpeople can make for ourselves.
Aside: What do I think about democracy? I think it’s worth a try. American democracy has been so consistently undermined that we have no historic precedent to tell us what it would be like. I am deeply suspicious of those who argue on philosophical grounds that democracy cannot work. The alternatives that they propose always seem to benefit themselves,
I think that government by algorithm is a disaster. The legal system that we have is already over-codified, and makes worse decisions that individuals unconstrained by a million pages of caselaw. I don’t want to speculate about what AI may be capable of in the future, but for the present, AI is very far from being able to compete with flexible natural intelligence when it comes to the practical management of human affairs. .
Could there be method in their madness?
Sociopaths are motivated to pursue power and control over others for its own sake. But as the cabal works together to destroy resources and kill people, there is probably some story they tell each other that makes sense to them. Here's my guess about what they may be thinking:
The human population is too large for the earth's resources, and must be trimmed back. There is no way to get a democratic consensus around coercive birth control — let alone what Vonnegut called ethical suicide. So the only way to scale back the population is through stealth. Maybe the COVID spike protein and COVID vaccines have been engineered to destroy fertility, and all these heart attacks and destruction of the immune system are just collateral damage, inconvenient to Mr Global because they create bad press for the vaccines at a time when he's trying to promote universal acceptance.
A second thing that I think is going on is that Mr Global knows there are energy technologies already discovered that might break out of secrecy into the mainstream press any day now. My guess is that the explosion in Beirut 2 years ago was a bomb that uses some classified technology that is not in the public domain. They may feel that they are in a race to lock the world down under universal surveillance before the technology for a hobbyist's nuke gets into Archive.org.
If I'm right, then there are some real problems that Mr Global is trying to address, using methods that seem to us to pose a greater risk ("absolute power corrupts absolutely") than the problems themselves.
A dangerous idea
This is a possibility that I feel least comfortable talking about, and in fact it may be irresponsible for me to talk about it. I raise this topic in the hope that you may be able to think about it more clearly than I have been able to.
Premise: I believe that technologies have already been discovered that tap the vast potential of nuclear energy without expensive, exotic technology. Ten years ago, I made a study of cold fusion, visiting five labs and attending three conferences, talking to scientists and engineers who had been working in the field for decades. I became convinced that there are ways to tap the energy of the hydrogen bomb with a low-tech desktop device. I first wrote about the subject at OpEdNews.
There may be even more radical technologies that tap the enormous amount of energy that is seething in the vacuum all around us, but I know of this only from reading unconfirmed accounts.
I mentioned recently evidence for ancient civilizations that were capable of quarrying and transporting thousand-ton blocks of stone. I reasoned that they must have used machines, but that they left no evidence of having used either fossil fuels or nuclear fission.
I suspect that the August, 2020 explosion in Beirut was a low-radiation nuclear device.
I must presume that Mr Global knows more than I know about this subject. Perhaps there are already underground cities where billionaires and top military brass mingle, built around technology that has not been shared publicly. He may have reason to suspect that cold fusion technology could be used by an amateur in his basement to create a bomb.
If Mr Global knows or even suspects that the technology that would empower a disaffected unabomber to blow up Manhattan, how would he react? He would do everything in his power to legitimate censorship of the internet. And he would race to bring all of humanity under central surveillance, surveillance at a level that Big Brother never imagined. Mr Global (or his AIs) would have to know enough about what every person in the world is doing that he could discover anyone’s basement bomb project at an early enough stage to call in the Authorities.
This thought makes my head spin. I can’t deny that it is a legitimate concern — despite my long-held belief that the “war on terror” is a fraud, and the “terrorist threat” is a bogeyman. Of course, the idea of such an intrusive global system of surveillance is morally unacceptable, socially destructive, and it wouldn’t work.
Once humanity is empowered with next-gen energy sources, we will have to find another way to discourage terrorism, and this probably implies a very different social fabric than anything you and I have known in our lifetimes, perhaps a different humanity.
A positive future
I have been reading David Korten’s book, The Great Turning, which is even more relevant today than when he published it in 2007.
Rather than give in to despair in this often frightening time, let us rejoice in the privilege of being alive in this moment of creative opportunity unprecedented in the human experience. Peace and justice for all and a sustainable relationship to the planet are within our reach. … Our time has come to trade the sorrows of empire for the joys of earth community. Let our descendants look back on this time as the Great Turning, when humanity made a bold choice to birth a new era devoted to actualizing the higher potentials of our human nature. — David Korten
The bottom line
I really don't know wtf is coming down. Whitney Webb in her new book describes the political and economic sphere as a dogpile of greedy criminals. Sobering. Shocking. But easy to fit into a view about the worst of human nature rising to the top.
But weather warfare and pandemic creation and destruction of the food supply — this is something else. We need all of us to figure it out.
Or maybe not. Maybe we need only to expose what we already know to put an end to this nightmare and deliver us all into a future of peace and abundance.
Makes total sense, I believe COVID was in the works pre-maturely unleashed as a final attempt to bring down. President Trump and help Biden win. Those quick decisions to lock down never made sense neither avoiding alternative medical treatments, as if they needed people to die helping create more fear and hysteria. What i cannot make sense out of is how many doctors were paid off? I was clear medical protocol was not being followed, suddenly no medical professional was allowed to question what Fauci and CDC were mandating.
Perhaps it is time for us to organize our own table-top simulations?