I guess it doesn't directly / obviously fit with your thesis but the existence of dinosaurs which seem to be about an order of magnitude more massive than the maximum supportable by a vertebrate in earth's gravity, is another mind-opening example of total failure of modern science to contemplate reality.

Look at how an elephant moves, then consider what we're asked to believe about these things 10x more massive. It's ludicrous!

Google for "authoritative" explanations and you get nonsense like "they had special heel pads".

It wasn't just dinosaurs either - insects and plants seemed to be orders of magnitude larger. One potential explanation is that the earth has expanded since then (which could explain a bunch of other stuff).

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Thank you! I had never considered this question, but of course the proportions and the leg bones of elephants are already extreme. How did brontosauri get around? Do you have a reference which has analyzed the biophysics?

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The basic point is that most determinants of strength scale as a square (muscle and bone strengths) while mass scales as a cube.

I'm sure there are also internet resources but for an exposition of the whole thesis, this book (by a structural engineer) is where I found out about it: https://www.amazon.com/Dinosaurs-Expanding-Earth-Solving-Gigantic-ebook/dp/B00ZXOH2WM

On expanding earth and alternative geology, this channel / playlist is a real gem:

The full playlist of 25 vids - have a browse or watch in order: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeeyNowkGd8MFPZHfYVYaVgoZFMhg_F49

In particular the vid "7 major problems with plate tectonics that point to an expanding earth", plus the vids inspecting the surfaces of planets for evidence of expansion are brilliant.

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The two videos do the proper scaling by 2/3 power, but they don't account for the difference in proportions. Look at an elephant and a gazelle and an ant; compare the leg thickness to the body proportions. Dinosaurs had very thick legs compared to other body proportions, as you would expect. Is this sufficient to account for the vast increase in scale? Let's look to see if someone has done this analysis quantitatively.



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Yes this gravity problem has been puzzling me for years. Besides these huge beasts sinking in the mud, there would also be a problem with their bloodpressure.

One possibility is that for some or other reason gravity was less years ago.

Have a listen to Ted Holden on the Thunderbolts YouTube channel:

https://youtu.be/okMOfYcbdI8 part 1

https://youtu.be/stk-fE2TNVg part 2

Another possibility is the Neal Adams "growing earth" suggestion that the earth didn't have the same volume as it has now.


That would do away with the "Pangaea problem", as one large continent on one side of the globe would give the earth a severe case of the wobbles, as in a waching machine on spin mode with all clothes on one side of the bowl.

Thank you for a great substack, I've only just discovered it.

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Been watching this stuff for last 24 hours ty

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I just was saying yo my wife a few weeks ago, "I'm not sure I'm buying this dinosaur thing. I'm not saying I have any evidence for this ... I am just feeling skeptical." 😆

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The only explanation that fits is gravity was much weaker when the dinosaurs walked the Earth.

The only explanation for that is the Earth was smaller, and is expanding. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOdOXoiGTICLdHklMhj9Al8G-1ZLXGEP2

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Just my two cents, but dinosaurs probably had hollow bones like birds, especially since they are genetically related. Still a failure of science to contemplate reality since I don't think I've ever even heard that idea proposed before.

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Maybe but that doesn't do it. Eg prehistoric birds (pterodactyls etc) were also way more massive than modern birds.

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Yes but they had bigger wings too so they could still fly.

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You probably need to at least watch the videos ... This point is addressed as well

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I don't do much video watching in general. Maybe I can get around to it or maybe I'll find a written source. I really would want to see actual calculations more than anything, which is why I'm thinking about written.

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My brother is like this as well...put it on while doing the dishes or taking a shower 😇

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YUM, Josh! this is the type of discussion i thirst after - a mere mention of it all in one place feels like a relief and expansion of the mind, because it is so wild how little any of this is talked about anywhere outside of "sensationalist" media.

this summer, a psychopath, who was hired by my daughter's school claiming to be connected with the king and all the big wigs in cambodia, was dealing blood (having it sent from thailand) and was planning something highly suspicious with one of the hospitals there, in a ruse in which he was pretending to run a children's summer program, so i am very curious about your thoughts on the bizarre things going on in the child trafficking "industry"...earlier this year, there was a pretty big capture of organ smugglers there...not sure if that is related, but to me, they feel somewhat linked.

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Thanks for your encouragement, Norie. I agree with you that child trafficking is underrated as a mode of operation of the globalists. A few thoughts on the subject:

1) No one has looked deeper into this subject than Whitney Webb. Last year, she published 1,000 pages in two volumes. You might also look to David Sorensen at StopWorldControl.com.

2) In my "day job" I study the biology of aging. The most promising medical treatments that we have depend on extracts from the blood of young animals. https://joshmitteldorf.scienceblog.com/2020/05/11/age-reduction-breakthrough/ It is not a stretch to think that children are being kidnapped and bled or even murdered to rejuvenate rich old codgers.

3) Hundreds of children disappeared on the day of the Maui fire.

4) It is beyond suspicious that Pizzagate was ridiculed in the mainstream press, across the spectrum from Left and Right.

5) And the fact that Jeffrey Epstein was suicided before trial attests to powerful people who did not want his story told.

6) As I said, the number of children who disappear every year is larger than can plausibly be accounted by wealthy pedophiles. 50 million estimated in this report https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---ipec/documents/publication/wcms_854733.pdf

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While he certainly did not go into the depths that Whitney Webb did, Dave McGowan's book Pqrogrammed to Kill does go deeply into the subject.

A pdf version is easily found online. It's truly required reading.

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yikes. i have never thought i'd come close to deception of this kind in my life, but growing up in japan does make one naive...i pride myself on my ability to sense danger to a degree, sadly after having my trust violated one too many times, but i suspect the professionals involved in this business are highly trained and well protected, too. as much as i hate to dig into this rabbit hole, as you suggest, we can no longer deny that there is nothing going on here. thanks for your courage in speaking out, Josh.

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Suspect that too, if some technology exists is a no brainer that someone with power and lack of scrupulous might be using it.

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I've got another one. Fossil Fuels.

Why the hell do we call them fossil fuels, and since I actually know the answer, why the hell do we still call then fossil fuels.

The literal most important commodity on earth is a renewable resource or something close to that, and it's the biggest lie we've ever been told.

I tried to shed some light on it on my substack, but admittedly have a small reach.

And by write about it, I mean point people in the direction of someone who did.


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Tommy Gold, a Cornell physicist, was saying this and other radical things in the 1980s, but I haven't thought about the topic in years.


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McGowan goes DEEP into it in his newsletter linked in my piece.

Considering how absolutely stupid the idea that all the oil we've ever had and ever will have came from fossils formed at a time before dinosaurs even existed, even though we pretty much find oil everywhere we look...well you know

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That is an excellent article. My father was a PhD (RPI, 1954) research chemist at the Hydrocarbons and Monomers Research Lab at Dow Chemical in the 1950s-70s and he believed that petroleum truly was what the name described: rock (petr-) oil (oleum). For the same reasons discussed in this article and known by the Russians since the same time: the laws of thermodynamics. Which tell us that it is impossible for complex hydrocarbons to be formed from organic (life-created) materials (i.e, dead animals and plants) at modest temperatures and pressures. The laws of physics tell us that simpler molecules will be formed under those conditions: methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, possibly carbon dioxide in a sufficiently oxidized substrate. Basically a similar mix of gases to what is produced by the 'water gas' reaction in which coal is reacted with water at atmospheric pressure and modest temperature (hundreds of degrees Celsius): H2O + C -> H2 + CO. Add an excess of carbon, and you get some methane; a little oxygen leaking into the process, and you get some carbon dioxide.

The article is also correct that the industry benefits from the 'illusion of scarcity' implied by the 'fossil fuel' theory; thus they denigrate the truth to perpetuate their business model. This is just one of many lies perpetrated, and truths hidden, by government and big business, to 'keep us in the dark' where we 'own nothing and will be happy.'

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I reserve judgment on some of the details but yep, yep, yep we needed this yesterday. Thank you for your efforts and writings.

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Love listening to you on Kevin Barrett's podcasts. Love your humility tone despite your vast knowledge. You're definitely one of the bright minds I trust after the COVID fiasco which is ongoing.

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It means a lot for me to hear this, Michael. Arrogance is my greatest temptation, and it is a constant effort to remind myself how much I don't know. And yes, the COVID deception is ripe with clues about corruption at the highest levels of power in the world, and yet the meaning of those clues is not easy to decode.

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Have you considered to tour around the world to talk to people directly about all this? It makes a difference talking to humans face to face and most people would be glad to fork out money to hear these stories. You won't become a millionaire, still you'd meet lots of interested- and interesting- folks.

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Are you volunteering to be my booking agent? I don't have a reputation that will supporrt people inviting me to speak on any subject other than aging. Exception is Kevin Barrett's podcast. https://kevinbarrett.substack.com/p/josh-mitteldorf-on-anomalies-mysteries

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I love the breadth of your inquiry, Josh. I'm in.

Our culture trains us, especially the males, to compartmentalize. That means missing the bigger picture where these questions all exist. Instead, they each remain in silos. Thank you for directing your attention, and now ours, to this bigger perspective, where commonalities can be spotted.

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Clif High has done some digging on this subject, some of his conclusions are drawn from new translations of Sanskrit texts https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/vytamana-pilot

A good overview of his analysis is here https://clifhighvideos.com/20231224a/

If you search that site for podcasts on "El" or "Elohim", you'll get a lot of commentary. It's a lot to go through, but there's some great info there.

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Josh, I think you should take a look at this. This is totally evil. Dr. John Campell known for countless scientific videos revolving around COVID and more since about 2020. Another deadly virus created in lab and transmissible by breathing.

This is the stuff Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns about in his latest book entitled WUHAN Cover-Up and The Terrifying Bi-Weapons Race. Makes me want to cry and scream..................


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If you come to Italy let me know. I could organize a few speaking events. Problem is, I have no financial sponsor. As usual, these topics wont find big donors

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I have an entirely different analysis and I think this one is somewhat dangerous. I think if there are all these alien skeletons that have similar DNA to us, they descended from a common ancestor rather than creating us. I don't think "consciousness" is trying to explore itself or whatever. How else do you explain all the evil in the world that way? And there is a lot of evil in the world. I think the real answer is much more beautiful. But I wouldn't flip around the "gods are aliens!" thing and say "well, then aliens are gods!" That's the part I think is so dangerous. That's like how you get chaos gods in 40k. I quite simply think that aliens aren't gods, but it's likely some aliens have wanted to be worshipped as gods before.

This is fiction, but it briefly describes the idea of aliens as being "fellow descendants of Adam." Considering I often hear the garden of Eden is in basically what Michael Moorcock would call another plane of existence, and Adam means dirt people, Adam might not have originally been exactly like modern homo sapiens, but probably still something good-looking and recognizably close if it's not exactly the same, no greys or reptilians. This is all highly speculative. https://open.substack.com/pub/bimasakti/p/aliens-space-elevators-and-politics

I also contemplate that aliens who want to be worshipped as gods like the "Annunaki" or what the Aether Pirates of the Matterium clif high guy (who I think is horribly Antisemitic in addition to being a raving paranoiac) might just be legitimately possessed, which reminds me of the Political Ponerology blog and particularly this post: https://ponerology.substack.com/p/an-initiation-into-the-reality-of

Some people might say "oh, aliens are actually demons!" and I think they would be half right in that case. The aliens would just be "fellow descendants of Adam" who have been possessed, not actually "gods" or even close to resembling gods to anyone who has enough brain cells to pay attention, but their possession would include sins like pride that make them want to be worshipped among many other things, like all their acts of evil that got them into the situation of needing to make demonic bargains to begin with.

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"How else do you explain all the evil in the world that way?"

Because you have to know what you don't want before you can know what you want.

Without desire, there is no urge to create the desired condition. Without the unwanted condition, there is no desire. Evil is just the extreme unwanted condition.

Desire is the engine that drives the Universe.

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Great summary and proposal for action!

You've inspired me to attempt to summarize important aspects of big picture you appear to have left out.

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Please do!

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