Josh, I don't know if you saw the recent story regarding the US Fish and Wildlife and the Spotted Owl debacle in the Pacific NW. They've now decided the only way to save the Spotted Owl is to hire hunters to go into the forests and kill 500,000 Barred Owls who are taking habitat away from the Spotted Owl. This is after utterly destroying the local lumber and forestry industry in the small towns of the NW for the past 30 years.

These small towns and communities were beautiful places with good jobs, well funded schools and public services paid for from the forestry industry. Now, of course they are filled with unemployed, drug addicted people whose livelihoods and communities were destroyed by zealots whose hubris did nothing to save the owls. Our forest are unhealthier than they've ever been. These big city "ecologists" who wouldn't know a Douglas Fir from an Oak now want to kill a half million owls- the knock on effects of this are bound to cause a hundred new and bigger problems for our forests. Solutions, straight out of the Leninist playbook-just eliminate the Kulaks and paradise is around the corner.

These people couldn't manage a sporting goods store, yet they control our economy, our land and natural resources and increasingly our minds. Everything they touch gets bigger, more complicated, uglier, more expensive and destroys countless live. It's beyond depressing.

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Dave, you raise two kinds of issues.

1) Hunting Barred Owls to save Spotted Owls. I agree this is madness. We can't restore ecosystems with more killing.

2) Loss of jobs and income, social unrest, shattered lives -- My position is that we can find other building materials that don't require cutting down forests and maybe the building stock we have now is adequate if it were just more equitably distributed. I'm all for moving the economy away from extraction and onto less resource-intensive ways of satisfying our needs. Yes, this requires new technologies, and I think they're available.

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Yes, it is madness and to think the US Fish and Wildlife agency is the one that proposed it, is the topper. Not some fringe group that Edward Abbey might write about. I mean do the career scientists at Fish and Wildlife think this is a good idea? If so were in a lot more trouble than I thought.

I have zero scientific background but I can come up with a dozen likely side effects that this plan might incur.

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Yes, I agree about the new technologies. I'm sure we have them - most likely alien technologies hidden away by the CIA/private contractors. Hidden because they don't want to disrupt the massive ponzi scheme our economy has become.

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In my experience, most physicists have too much confidence in technology so they don’t look at problems in a more holistic way. There’s no need to emulate the Microsoft campus in Washington state that removes a ton of CO2 every day from the atmosphere— mycorrhizal fungi would do that for free, while building soil fertility and doubling crop production. Since Kolbert doesn’t mention regenerative agriculture, that suggests that she has never heard that, according to Professor David C. Johnson, mycorrhizal fungi could sequester enough CO2 in 15 years to get the world back under 350 ppm (https://holisticmanagement.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Quivira_Johnson1.pdf), while simultaneously making our soil more fertile and more water absorbent so that downpours don’t run off but, instead, recharge aquifers.

All of Kolbert’s trust in Ai ignores the hazards WiFi, which have been suppressed by a huge media blackout, but when the cancer rate and multitude of other health problems cannot be ignore any longer, then we’ll realize how we were duped. Our microwave exposure is now a billion times more than our natural exposure during evolution. It is especially harmful to growing children, but the FCC does nothing to keep WiFi out of schools.

I’ll bet Kolbert never mentions the high level of toxic nano aluminum particles that already rain down on us from the unacknowledged geoengineering that is currently going on. Contrails from water vapor emitted by jet engines last seconds. Chemtrails last all day, spreading out and polluting the land and water as the particles gradually fall out. How can everyone ignore the slate haze and the “new” clouds that replaced the fluffy ones of the 1950s?

When I try to explain this giant secret visible to anyone who looks up, people get indignant, “They would never do that to us!”

But, as Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes says, "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." It’s impossible that contrails (water vapor) can fill the skies that much, which leaves an intentional program that is obviously top secret since we never hear about it except from “conspiracy nuts.”

Remember Fermi’s Paradox! To paraphrase: “In the vast universe, it’s statistically impossible that we are the only sentient beings.” If our human cultures on Earth are simply a microcosm of the universe, then there would be Bad Guys out there in our galaxy and all the other galaxies, which makes the whole Reptilian conspiracy theory less strange. If Star Wars can make the Battle of Good and Evil an endless series of movies, then the secret control of human cultures by Reptilians is just as likely.

And such a controlled planet as Earth would also have plandemics, fake climate warming, direct energy weapons (DEW) burning down towns with fires that melt metal but don’t kill trees. And such a world would have reasonable, likeable, caring people like Kolbert writing books like this to deflect any smidgens of curiosity from spreading.

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In regard to the possibility that these environmental disasters in California from 2000-2009 were an attack on our food supply (which is plausible), who would be doing it? Would it be the Davos crowd, who are also proposing their potentially evil solution to, in their words, help mankind to the other side?

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All these assaults on humanity don't seem to make sense in a framework of competing national interests or even power politics by a controlling class of elites. I know they're trying to keep us stupid and confused. I hope that people like you and me will put our heads together and figure out what's going on. I wrote three articles on the subject last spring. https://mitteldorf.substack.com/p/assaults-on-humanity

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Today Mark Crispin Miller put out a post calling the covid "vaccinations" the greatest evil in the history of humanity, and certainly they deserve a place in that pantheon. But I would argue that geoengineering is going to far surpass them as the shots were voluntary but the poisoning of the air, land, and water by geoengineering is not. We are looking at a slow-motion collapse of the eco-system that sustains human and animal life on this planet. It is Strangelovian madness.

I have yet to read your posts on assaults on humanity, but I will certainly do so, as I am grappling to make sense of this.

What I will say is that you took the words right out of my head. I've been wanting to write a post on this topic, but now I don't have to as you've stated the case perfectly. So thank you.

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Agree with you that the understanding and treatment of our ecosystem has been woefully ignorant and short-sighted (but all of the West has been short-sighted, a consequence of many things, but mostly the monetary system). I think we'll have to adopt a practice similar to Korean natural farming to improve that.

That said, the whole CO2/AGW construct is a grift and a sham of epic proportions. It's a PSYOP designed to enlist masses of people to help in their own extermination, because the "power elite" decided many years ago there were too many people to manage and keep their system intact. It's not working, thank God, but it's going to take generations to undo the damage they've done in their attempt.

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I had to quit reading this when seeing how you and the author of this book fell into the dogma about the dangers of carbon dioxide, the wonderful building block, together with water, that allows plant life to flourish, and animal life depends on this as a fundamental fact. Water is much more abundant on our planet than the miniscule proportion of CO². Warming of the atmosphere is also greatly influenced by Solar cycles. We need to take into account that government entities who fund what is called scientific research are politically influenced, and fund the researchers who tend to write about what the current themes or concepts of the day are. Scientific research requires a theory, but nuances always manifest, and must be considered. So please realize that other factors in "climate change" include the ongoing geo-engineering mentioned, creating a warming blanket trapping heat in our atmosphere, together with HAARP microwave energies stirring up massive storms as well as contributing to mantle instability on our planet; recurring solar cycles (well&documented in polar ice samples) plus, cosmic energies arriving from our own Universe, as the Solar system moves through space, activating volcanic activity. The massive South Pacific undersea volcano, Honga Tonga-Hunga'apai blew enormous amounts of water into our troposphere in 2022, that are contributing to the white sky, and will continue to do so for potentially years to come.

Yes, we need to be more careful with our activities and how they damage the environment, but draconian measures to force humans to curb carbon emissions seems truly ridiculous.

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Thank you this excellent piece Josh. It has a liberating taoist sensibility that i believe is innate in all of us. I especially appreciate your analysis of how geoengineering is being used to control and create destructive weather patterns. This seems plausible. The question is can we neutralize these unfriendly activities through consciousness and a full time forever practice of right relations? Breathe in and grayefully eat the aluminum and barium particles. Breathe out clean air and poop out wholesome compost? Work together with our co-creating microbes, mushrooms, and ancient wild plants to absorb these toxins and render them back into the elements as beneficial nutrients? We have our work cut out for us on this planet of sorcerors apprentices. If not us then who? If not now than when?

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