"To this day, even after watching four years of evidence to the contrary, Trump supporters still believe he’s going to end the wars, drain the swamp, and take the fight to the Deep State. They believe he’ll be fighting the Deep State even after he imprisoned Assange. They believe he’ll be ending the wars even after he ramped up cold war aggressions against Russia, killed tens of thousands of Venezuelans with starvation sanctions, vetoed attempts to save Yemen from US-backed genocide, worked to foment civil war in Iran using starvation sanctions and CIA ops with the stated goal of effecting regime change, came inches from starting a full-scale war with Iran with by assassinating General Qassem Soleimani, occupied Syrian oil fields with the goal of preventing Syria’s reconstruction, greatly increased the number of troops in the Middle East and elsewhere, greatly increased the number of bombs dropped per day from the previous administration killing record numbers of civilians, and reduced military accountability for those airstrikes. They believe he’ll drain the swamp after he packed his cabinet full of neocon swamp monsters like John Bolton and Elliott Abrams.
Trump supporters are the most gullible people on earth. They’ll stare right at you as you look them in the eye and prove you lied to them in broad daylight, and then they’ll sign right up to let you do it again.
Both Trumpism And Anti-Trumpism Are Fake, Decoy Revolutions."
The investigative journalist Whitney Webb has said:
“The inevitable embrace of the Trump campaign by RFK Jr. will see one of the Covid-era’s most prominent (+ promoted) skeptics embrace the man whose administration established the early Covid policies and Military-run Op Warp Speed. What a world and what a disappointment.”
"Furthermore, Trump’s campaign is backed by a host of people – Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Joe Lonsdale, and Trump’s vice-president sidekick, JD Vance, among others – who are big promoters and investors in mRNA and DNA vaccine technology. Thiel and Lonsdale are cofounders of Palantir, a company that collects American’s health data while it also works with the CIA.
With Trump and Kennedy you have a combination that is 100 times more likely to lead us to Armageddon and idiots are saying Trump supplied less weapons to Israel. Of course he did because he was destroying Syria through unilateral collective punishment economic sanctions, assassinating Resistance leadership and paving the way for greater Israel, Clean Break through Abraham Accords and Jerusalem, giving Golan to Zionist occupation. He didn’t NEED to start wars, he certainly didn’t end them, he increased the hybrid war strategy to pave the way for the final solution and Kennedy is fully on board, whatever his title. It’s astonishing to watch people whitewash the Trump role in the empowerment of the Zionist entity which has led to the genocide we are witnessing. There is no one or the other (Trump or Harris) they work as a tag team, oligarchs and deep dark state create the road map. We are already in WW3 and Trump will go to war with Iran, effectively with Russia and China. Why continue supporting a putrid corpse of a US political system? And, by the way, Kennedy support base is not anti-Zionist. They are generally apathetic and prepared to excuse Kennedy’s criminal genocide denial and defence of Zionist apartheid and ethnosupremacism because “America first”. Genocide is the Red line that Trump and Kennedy will erase and normalisation of genocide is a clandestine policy of this partnership. We are already in WW3. Trump will not end any wars, he never has. Iran and China are in his crosshair."
Drop the antiZionist nonsense and you are mostly right. The Jews aren’t the problem in the world. The globalists and the WEF are infinitely more powerful and more dangerous. They have the same goals with mRNA as Trump and his team. This isn’t being done by Israel. It’s being done to destroy them. The things you think are done to their benefit are a setup to bring them down. The UN issues 10 condemnations of Israel for every one of all other countries combined. They aren’t working for Zionism but are directly opposed to it. Trump only pretends to be friends with them because his base is pro Israel. Watch and see.
op warp speed was probably a program that was in the planning for decades..... it was used as an attck upon Trump to limit or block his administration.... it was a military action and even in the middle of it Trump did get the word out on alternatives forwhich he was heavily mocked and ridiculed by the lib powerestablishment.... the deep state needs to bear 90% ormoreof the responsibility for this.... and they need to pay....
Trump did advocate for Dr. Zelenko's HCQ/Zn/azithromycin/vitamin-D protocol, but he didn't understand or express it well, and he, like the rest of us, did not yet know that he was up against a big covert operation.
More innocent days, but just because we didn't know yet.
It might be true that Trump didn’t know what he was doing with OWS. But he certainly does now and he not only has not denounced it, he still says the vax is safe and effective and that he saved millions of lives. He can’t bring himself to admit he was tricked. Instead he brings in lots of people who were part of the tyranny and who protected it every step of the way. Susie Wiles is one such person. Co chair of a DC lobbying firm for Pfizer among other big Pharma companies as well as the junk food companies. She worked tirelessly to make sure those companies got what they wanted. And now, with Trump never speaking against the safety of the mRNA tech, we are supposed to believe that she has done an about face and, without speaking a negative word about them, aggressively try and stop this tech from advancing? She’s far from the only one. Musk is working to produce mRNA vax “printers” or “microfactories”, as he calls them. Bhattacharya is on record as saying the possibilities of this tech is amazing and awesome. They will produce a unique “medicine” for each person. How can this even be tested for safety? You are the test, that’s how. Trump May fix many things that are wrong, but it won’t matter if he unleashes this poison on us all. What will he do when another virus, as promised by the leftist medical system, hits our shores? Will he, at that time, suddenly turn against what he has touted for 5 years? Yeah, sure he will.
I don’t disagree with that. But it’s more difficult due to the fact that my mother did exactly what Trump said and took the advice of her doctor about getting the vax and the booster. Within a month she had developed multiple tumors. Now she had had a relatively small case of breast cancer in the early 90s and had a couple of lymph nodes removed. Her oncologists said that they would test the tumors and see what they were but it couldn’t be the breast cancer because whatever this was, they way it was acting was something that breast cancer doesn’t do. After the test results came back they said it indeed was breast cancer and that none of them had ever seen anything like that. Within two months she passed away. She was covered in extremely painful tumors inside and out over her whole body. The day she found out that it was cancer was the same day my daughter had a sonogram telling us she was having a baby boy. My other daughter was also pregnant but not as far along. My mom was so excited to have these great grandchildren and after years of a strained relationship we had grown so much close as we celebrated these gifts together. She was picking out baby clothes and bought both my daughters some baby room furniture. She died well before they were born. It was like a horror movie what happened to her. Even fentanyl patches and liquid morphine couldn’t mask the pain completely. So yes, I’m not in the mood to let the men who did this for personal profit off the hook. How many times has this same scenario been played out for the horror of other families? I’ve been told by dozens of other people directly that virtually the same thing happened to them. Having no regrets would be like refusing to remember what happened. I pray that God brings justice to the perpetrators of this evil, both in this life and the one to come. It’s fortunate that I’m not a vengeful person. I certainly have the reason to be.
Yes. None of us knew what was coming except DARPA and friends, but Trump did suggest Chlorine Dioxide--MMS--and people accused him of suggesting bleach. Not true. It is what I took when I came down with COVID that January and it knocked it out and I'm still here to tell about it. He also chose Big Pharma's pick for HHS Secretary? over Kennedy. Was he paid off or simply threatened with harm to his family OR both? we know this is a favorite tactic. But I feel he is being exposed to some powerfully positive friends. I'm hoping they will rub off on him. I'm sure his speech on restoring our Right to Free Speech was not without input from articulate friends who saved him from an excess of "Greats" and "Huges" and...
I suspect the elite threats and intrigues continue. I see all kinds of stuff today. It seems like some threats came out to elites, and now there is talk of military coup, and more teams of assassins.
How do we address this, John Day? It is almost 2 months until inauguration--time for them to get truly out of hand. This is where the Thousands of military men entering our country come in. Now they earn their keep? I feel my responsibility is to keep pushing the positive. My hope is that the Dream Team will restrain Trump and put positive words in his mouth. Let's see if they can teach this old dog some new tricks.
we were blindsided and the deep state has and had a set of skills very effective in controlling and manipulating people and nations.... there has been a lot of awakening to this... still a long way to go..
"We need a general amnesty for the political assassinations, for the phony War on Terror, for the fraud and murderous medicines of the COVID deception."
Nope. No "general amnesty". I'm sorry, Josh, but I have a real problem with that.
I can't forgive Fauci and his ilk for their crimes against humanity. I can't forgive their mouthpieces in the media, either - they are complicit in the crimes and the coverup of those crimes.
For forgiveness to occur, there has to be a genuine admission of culpability, and act of true contrition, and an attempt at restitution. These people can't just keep all the hush money they were paid by big pharma, live in their mansions with their masked servants while saying, "I'm sorry you were hurt by anything I did - I was only following orders."
The same goes for the Biden Admin officials all the way to the top, who allowed violent mobs to destroy cities while law-abiding citizens were under lockdown, to pay for criminals' bail, to call "racism" a worse pandemic than Covid.
Same for all those officials who employed legal and economic lawfare, character assassination and even physical assassination against their opposition candidate and his followers.
No. Too many sleepless nights, missed opportunities, lost careers and lost loved ones. Too much daily stress over threats of incarceration or lost livelihood, and the stress of constant gaslighting attempts by those in power. Too much weaponization of institutions we used to trust turned against us. Too many claims of racial and sexual bigotry in the most tolerant and open nation on the planet.
Justice needs to be served. Fairly. Proportionally. But it needs to be done before healing can take place, before forgiveness can occur.
I understand, and I feel the same way. But my wiser angels tell me that punishing these people creates martyrs. Certainly they need to be publicly outed and the enormity of their crimes exposed. Maybe banished from the country, as you suggest.
I think of the crimes of the Bush/Cheney era, how Obama told us to "look forward instead of backward." He was right about the "reconciliation" part, but not the "truth" part. The truth never came out about the Bush/Cheney crimes, and I blame Obama for that.
although I think Trump made some deals to get elected I think there re alot of eyes and voices that will hold him immediately accountable if he reneges on his promises.... if he betrays will be a lot of very unhappy supporters
> For my part, I can’t forgive Trump for Operation Warpspeed, releasing and promoting an untested new immunization technology, deceptively labeled a “vaccine”, that predictably has killed millions worldwide, and disabled hundreds of millions.
You'd think an adversarial press corps would've hammered him on that during the campaign, but they can't hammer him without hammering Biden, Harris, their favorite bureaucrats, governors, mayors, and themselves.
The major popular press might be free, but much of them have used that freedom to be willfully crony and compromised.
They won’t hammer him for it because he is doing their will with the mRNA tech. It’s why he brought on the people that he did. Rfk is there to make people feel like vaccines will be made safe but Rfk has not spoken against the mRNA tech anytime in the last several years, if ever. The rest of Trumps team is all in on it and working to make it happen. This will not end well. The poisonings will continue until morale improves.
Thank you for this substantive analysis. It is very good and helpful as always. Your readers astute and well researched comments are also resonating in my psyche. But no one has commented on your breezy insertion of one sentence alluding to "treaties having been signed with alien races". Josh, can you elaborate on that please?
I’ve been reflecting on your comment for a couple days Madhava, and I think you’re right. Peace leader Desmond Tutu would have probably agreed as well. He wrote about how granting forgiveness is a GIFT for the person who has been hurt. Granting forgiveness is like getting out of jail. Hopefully people (myself included) don’t want to stay in jail for much longer.
If someone killed your mother, and said he didn’t and that he’s innocent, would you just forgive him and move on? What if he got rich from doing it? And what if he did it to a whole lot of other people’s mother and father and children too? Would you just say water under the bridge? Why did we even have trials for the Nazis? They thought they were right and were only trying to help.
I thank you for this balanced look at the 47th President elect. I'd love to think he is reformed and totally has an agenda that is not vengeful and only full of positive measures that will be taken to benefit all Americans and the world. But, I see that you are looking at things that have also upset me. I do wonder what happened to the legislation that might have closed the border--and then Trump foiled it. Was it true? And why? He is far from being a saint--but he does have people with much greater integrity who are behind him--and Kennedy, anyway, will hold his feet to the fire if he doesn't follow through on those things that were the reason for Kennedy's aligning with him. What I know--above all else--is that Kennedy made that decision because he recognized he had been suppressed beyond any way forward to the Presidency himself. And so he began to pray for another way and--according to a very poignant video clip--God sent him Trump, not just as a way forward to end the Totalitarian full-court push but also to further Bobby's main agenda to MAHA. Trump is a less than perfect vehicle for some very gifted people of great integrity to get to Washington to end the sell out of our country the WEF, WHO, UN and other bad actors. Bobby knew Trump was a risk--but one that he had to take. I still think he's right. Trump may yet prove to have a silver lining somewhere in him. Let's pray he does.
Thanks, Josh! Lots of feed and fodder here. You mention a truth and reconciliation commission at the end of the piece. Several times over the last 4.5 years I have reviewed my knowledge of these types of things, using the obvious South Africa example and supplementing that with my what happened here in Maine where we had one for our treatment of native Americans and the four recognized tribes here. I am also thinking of that woman (Emily?) who wrote for a forgive and forget scenario in the Atlantic(?) and we got so upset with her. When is the time to forgive and forget, when is the time to run a truth and reconciliation commission? I remember usually thinking you can't have a truth and reconciliation commission unless there is widespread (tacit) agreement in the public marketplace that an egregious crime was committed. Is that a necessary precondition? Do we have that? Can we get that? I voted for Trump, only cause my man, RFKJr., did what he did. I am satisfied with my actions and over the top that he won and won in the manner he did. While still a Democrat some 4-5 years ago, I would say to my friends here in hopelessly liberal, coastal, Dem/blue Maine that I, for one, did not want to live in a state where my longtime friends who were flag wavers and Trump supporters were not welcomed and heard. That always met with a deadening silence and a quite rageful rejection by my coastal liberal elite wannabes. They have wanted to see Trumpians' worldview completely rejected and thwarted and denied. With Trump's victory can we now afford some magnanimity and undertake a Truth and Reconciliation Commission? It takes two sides. Can we bring them together? Is it premature? Do we want to? Etc.
Ok. I would love to see Josh — or anyone on here — pretend they are a direct advisor to Trump, and give him explicit “do’s and don’ts” advice on, say, 3-8 of the most pressing issues of our time.
Brilliant article whoever you are. I'm ecstatic he's the new president elect, I'm over the moon RFK is there and Elon with his sink plunger hidden in his back pocket are a crack team of plumbers and fitters. All change takes time but how wonderful to know that the saying 'truth will out ', now has the will to. . . Out!
I was energized by this essay, and agreed with most of it, but cannot readily deny the points made by Michael Pengue, elsewhere in these comments. I still see Trump's semi-independent, sometimes-rebelliousness as better than a deep-state DNC yes-woman. Looking back, none of Trump's rebelliously humanitarian first-term promises were fulfilled, but the nanny-state puppeteering of a hollowed-out faux-liberal has rightly been cast aside. Alas, we might well come to wish that Lilith had trumped Asmodeus.
"To this day, even after watching four years of evidence to the contrary, Trump supporters still believe he’s going to end the wars, drain the swamp, and take the fight to the Deep State. They believe he’ll be fighting the Deep State even after he imprisoned Assange. They believe he’ll be ending the wars even after he ramped up cold war aggressions against Russia, killed tens of thousands of Venezuelans with starvation sanctions, vetoed attempts to save Yemen from US-backed genocide, worked to foment civil war in Iran using starvation sanctions and CIA ops with the stated goal of effecting regime change, came inches from starting a full-scale war with Iran with by assassinating General Qassem Soleimani, occupied Syrian oil fields with the goal of preventing Syria’s reconstruction, greatly increased the number of troops in the Middle East and elsewhere, greatly increased the number of bombs dropped per day from the previous administration killing record numbers of civilians, and reduced military accountability for those airstrikes. They believe he’ll drain the swamp after he packed his cabinet full of neocon swamp monsters like John Bolton and Elliott Abrams.
Trump supporters are the most gullible people on earth. They’ll stare right at you as you look them in the eye and prove you lied to them in broad daylight, and then they’ll sign right up to let you do it again.
Both Trumpism And Anti-Trumpism Are Fake, Decoy Revolutions."
The investigative journalist Whitney Webb has said:
“The inevitable embrace of the Trump campaign by RFK Jr. will see one of the Covid-era’s most prominent (+ promoted) skeptics embrace the man whose administration established the early Covid policies and Military-run Op Warp Speed. What a world and what a disappointment.”
"Furthermore, Trump’s campaign is backed by a host of people – Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Joe Lonsdale, and Trump’s vice-president sidekick, JD Vance, among others – who are big promoters and investors in mRNA and DNA vaccine technology. Thiel and Lonsdale are cofounders of Palantir, a company that collects American’s health data while it also works with the CIA.
With Trump and Kennedy you have a combination that is 100 times more likely to lead us to Armageddon and idiots are saying Trump supplied less weapons to Israel. Of course he did because he was destroying Syria through unilateral collective punishment economic sanctions, assassinating Resistance leadership and paving the way for greater Israel, Clean Break through Abraham Accords and Jerusalem, giving Golan to Zionist occupation. He didn’t NEED to start wars, he certainly didn’t end them, he increased the hybrid war strategy to pave the way for the final solution and Kennedy is fully on board, whatever his title. It’s astonishing to watch people whitewash the Trump role in the empowerment of the Zionist entity which has led to the genocide we are witnessing. There is no one or the other (Trump or Harris) they work as a tag team, oligarchs and deep dark state create the road map. We are already in WW3 and Trump will go to war with Iran, effectively with Russia and China. Why continue supporting a putrid corpse of a US political system? And, by the way, Kennedy support base is not anti-Zionist. They are generally apathetic and prepared to excuse Kennedy’s criminal genocide denial and defence of Zionist apartheid and ethnosupremacism because “America first”. Genocide is the Red line that Trump and Kennedy will erase and normalisation of genocide is a clandestine policy of this partnership. We are already in WW3. Trump will not end any wars, he never has. Iran and China are in his crosshair."
Thank you - I had missed Caitlin's column in which she said everything I wanted to say, with more details and her trademark stellar writing style.
Drop the antiZionist nonsense and you are mostly right. The Jews aren’t the problem in the world. The globalists and the WEF are infinitely more powerful and more dangerous. They have the same goals with mRNA as Trump and his team. This isn’t being done by Israel. It’s being done to destroy them. The things you think are done to their benefit are a setup to bring them down. The UN issues 10 condemnations of Israel for every one of all other countries combined. They aren’t working for Zionism but are directly opposed to it. Trump only pretends to be friends with them because his base is pro Israel. Watch and see.
op warp speed was probably a program that was in the planning for decades..... it was used as an attck upon Trump to limit or block his administration.... it was a military action and even in the middle of it Trump did get the word out on alternatives forwhich he was heavily mocked and ridiculed by the lib powerestablishment.... the deep state needs to bear 90% ormoreof the responsibility for this.... and they need to pay....
Trump did advocate for Dr. Zelenko's HCQ/Zn/azithromycin/vitamin-D protocol, but he didn't understand or express it well, and he, like the rest of us, did not yet know that he was up against a big covert operation.
More innocent days, but just because we didn't know yet.
It might be true that Trump didn’t know what he was doing with OWS. But he certainly does now and he not only has not denounced it, he still says the vax is safe and effective and that he saved millions of lives. He can’t bring himself to admit he was tricked. Instead he brings in lots of people who were part of the tyranny and who protected it every step of the way. Susie Wiles is one such person. Co chair of a DC lobbying firm for Pfizer among other big Pharma companies as well as the junk food companies. She worked tirelessly to make sure those companies got what they wanted. And now, with Trump never speaking against the safety of the mRNA tech, we are supposed to believe that she has done an about face and, without speaking a negative word about them, aggressively try and stop this tech from advancing? She’s far from the only one. Musk is working to produce mRNA vax “printers” or “microfactories”, as he calls them. Bhattacharya is on record as saying the possibilities of this tech is amazing and awesome. They will produce a unique “medicine” for each person. How can this even be tested for safety? You are the test, that’s how. Trump May fix many things that are wrong, but it won’t matter if he unleashes this poison on us all. What will he do when another virus, as promised by the leftist medical system, hits our shores? Will he, at that time, suddenly turn against what he has touted for 5 years? Yeah, sure he will.
Don't count on saviors. Do what you can, and so live without personal regrets.
I don’t disagree with that. But it’s more difficult due to the fact that my mother did exactly what Trump said and took the advice of her doctor about getting the vax and the booster. Within a month she had developed multiple tumors. Now she had had a relatively small case of breast cancer in the early 90s and had a couple of lymph nodes removed. Her oncologists said that they would test the tumors and see what they were but it couldn’t be the breast cancer because whatever this was, they way it was acting was something that breast cancer doesn’t do. After the test results came back they said it indeed was breast cancer and that none of them had ever seen anything like that. Within two months she passed away. She was covered in extremely painful tumors inside and out over her whole body. The day she found out that it was cancer was the same day my daughter had a sonogram telling us she was having a baby boy. My other daughter was also pregnant but not as far along. My mom was so excited to have these great grandchildren and after years of a strained relationship we had grown so much close as we celebrated these gifts together. She was picking out baby clothes and bought both my daughters some baby room furniture. She died well before they were born. It was like a horror movie what happened to her. Even fentanyl patches and liquid morphine couldn’t mask the pain completely. So yes, I’m not in the mood to let the men who did this for personal profit off the hook. How many times has this same scenario been played out for the horror of other families? I’ve been told by dozens of other people directly that virtually the same thing happened to them. Having no regrets would be like refusing to remember what happened. I pray that God brings justice to the perpetrators of this evil, both in this life and the one to come. It’s fortunate that I’m not a vengeful person. I certainly have the reason to be.
Yes. None of us knew what was coming except DARPA and friends, but Trump did suggest Chlorine Dioxide--MMS--and people accused him of suggesting bleach. Not true. It is what I took when I came down with COVID that January and it knocked it out and I'm still here to tell about it. He also chose Big Pharma's pick for HHS Secretary? over Kennedy. Was he paid off or simply threatened with harm to his family OR both? we know this is a favorite tactic. But I feel he is being exposed to some powerfully positive friends. I'm hoping they will rub off on him. I'm sure his speech on restoring our Right to Free Speech was not without input from articulate friends who saved him from an excess of "Greats" and "Huges" and...
I suspect the elite threats and intrigues continue. I see all kinds of stuff today. It seems like some threats came out to elites, and now there is talk of military coup, and more teams of assassins.
How do we address this, John Day? It is almost 2 months until inauguration--time for them to get truly out of hand. This is where the Thousands of military men entering our country come in. Now they earn their keep? I feel my responsibility is to keep pushing the positive. My hope is that the Dream Team will restrain Trump and put positive words in his mouth. Let's see if they can teach this old dog some new tricks.
I prayed and did compassion-meditation on my daily neighborhood bike-laps.
we were blindsided and the deep state has and had a set of skills very effective in controlling and manipulating people and nations.... there has been a lot of awakening to this... still a long way to go..
"We need a general amnesty for the political assassinations, for the phony War on Terror, for the fraud and murderous medicines of the COVID deception."
Nope. No "general amnesty". I'm sorry, Josh, but I have a real problem with that.
I can't forgive Fauci and his ilk for their crimes against humanity. I can't forgive their mouthpieces in the media, either - they are complicit in the crimes and the coverup of those crimes.
For forgiveness to occur, there has to be a genuine admission of culpability, and act of true contrition, and an attempt at restitution. These people can't just keep all the hush money they were paid by big pharma, live in their mansions with their masked servants while saying, "I'm sorry you were hurt by anything I did - I was only following orders."
The same goes for the Biden Admin officials all the way to the top, who allowed violent mobs to destroy cities while law-abiding citizens were under lockdown, to pay for criminals' bail, to call "racism" a worse pandemic than Covid.
Same for all those officials who employed legal and economic lawfare, character assassination and even physical assassination against their opposition candidate and his followers.
No. Too many sleepless nights, missed opportunities, lost careers and lost loved ones. Too much daily stress over threats of incarceration or lost livelihood, and the stress of constant gaslighting attempts by those in power. Too much weaponization of institutions we used to trust turned against us. Too many claims of racial and sexual bigotry in the most tolerant and open nation on the planet.
Justice needs to be served. Fairly. Proportionally. But it needs to be done before healing can take place, before forgiveness can occur.
I understand, and I feel the same way. But my wiser angels tell me that punishing these people creates martyrs. Certainly they need to be publicly outed and the enormity of their crimes exposed. Maybe banished from the country, as you suggest.
I think of the crimes of the Bush/Cheney era, how Obama told us to "look forward instead of backward." He was right about the "reconciliation" part, but not the "truth" part. The truth never came out about the Bush/Cheney crimes, and I blame Obama for that.
If they are seriously threatened, they have the means to kill everybody.
That's also a problem.
although I think Trump made some deals to get elected I think there re alot of eyes and voices that will hold him immediately accountable if he reneges on his promises.... if he betrays will be a lot of very unhappy supporters
> For my part, I can’t forgive Trump for Operation Warpspeed, releasing and promoting an untested new immunization technology, deceptively labeled a “vaccine”, that predictably has killed millions worldwide, and disabled hundreds of millions.
You'd think an adversarial press corps would've hammered him on that during the campaign, but they can't hammer him without hammering Biden, Harris, their favorite bureaucrats, governors, mayors, and themselves.
The major popular press might be free, but much of them have used that freedom to be willfully crony and compromised.
They won’t hammer him for it because he is doing their will with the mRNA tech. It’s why he brought on the people that he did. Rfk is there to make people feel like vaccines will be made safe but Rfk has not spoken against the mRNA tech anytime in the last several years, if ever. The rest of Trumps team is all in on it and working to make it happen. This will not end well. The poisonings will continue until morale improves.
Thank you for this substantive analysis. It is very good and helpful as always. Your readers astute and well researched comments are also resonating in my psyche. But no one has commented on your breezy insertion of one sentence alluding to "treaties having been signed with alien races". Josh, can you elaborate on that please?
Yes. Once the rot has been identified for what it is forgiveness will be the only way through
I’ve been reflecting on your comment for a couple days Madhava, and I think you’re right. Peace leader Desmond Tutu would have probably agreed as well. He wrote about how granting forgiveness is a GIFT for the person who has been hurt. Granting forgiveness is like getting out of jail. Hopefully people (myself included) don’t want to stay in jail for much longer.
If someone killed your mother, and said he didn’t and that he’s innocent, would you just forgive him and move on? What if he got rich from doing it? And what if he did it to a whole lot of other people’s mother and father and children too? Would you just say water under the bridge? Why did we even have trials for the Nazis? They thought they were right and were only trying to help.
Fair questions! But I think you can have both justice and forgiveness.
I thank you for this balanced look at the 47th President elect. I'd love to think he is reformed and totally has an agenda that is not vengeful and only full of positive measures that will be taken to benefit all Americans and the world. But, I see that you are looking at things that have also upset me. I do wonder what happened to the legislation that might have closed the border--and then Trump foiled it. Was it true? And why? He is far from being a saint--but he does have people with much greater integrity who are behind him--and Kennedy, anyway, will hold his feet to the fire if he doesn't follow through on those things that were the reason for Kennedy's aligning with him. What I know--above all else--is that Kennedy made that decision because he recognized he had been suppressed beyond any way forward to the Presidency himself. And so he began to pray for another way and--according to a very poignant video clip--God sent him Trump, not just as a way forward to end the Totalitarian full-court push but also to further Bobby's main agenda to MAHA. Trump is a less than perfect vehicle for some very gifted people of great integrity to get to Washington to end the sell out of our country the WEF, WHO, UN and other bad actors. Bobby knew Trump was a risk--but one that he had to take. I still think he's right. Trump may yet prove to have a silver lining somewhere in him. Let's pray he does.
Outstanding analysis and a very useful map of the territory for the coming months. Thank you for all you do Josh!
Thanks, Josh! Lots of feed and fodder here. You mention a truth and reconciliation commission at the end of the piece. Several times over the last 4.5 years I have reviewed my knowledge of these types of things, using the obvious South Africa example and supplementing that with my what happened here in Maine where we had one for our treatment of native Americans and the four recognized tribes here. I am also thinking of that woman (Emily?) who wrote for a forgive and forget scenario in the Atlantic(?) and we got so upset with her. When is the time to forgive and forget, when is the time to run a truth and reconciliation commission? I remember usually thinking you can't have a truth and reconciliation commission unless there is widespread (tacit) agreement in the public marketplace that an egregious crime was committed. Is that a necessary precondition? Do we have that? Can we get that? I voted for Trump, only cause my man, RFKJr., did what he did. I am satisfied with my actions and over the top that he won and won in the manner he did. While still a Democrat some 4-5 years ago, I would say to my friends here in hopelessly liberal, coastal, Dem/blue Maine that I, for one, did not want to live in a state where my longtime friends who were flag wavers and Trump supporters were not welcomed and heard. That always met with a deadening silence and a quite rageful rejection by my coastal liberal elite wannabes. They have wanted to see Trumpians' worldview completely rejected and thwarted and denied. With Trump's victory can we now afford some magnanimity and undertake a Truth and Reconciliation Commission? It takes two sides. Can we bring them together? Is it premature? Do we want to? Etc.
Ok. I would love to see Josh — or anyone on here — pretend they are a direct advisor to Trump, and give him explicit “do’s and don’ts” advice on, say, 3-8 of the most pressing issues of our time.
Surely he could use the guidance!
Brilliant article whoever you are. I'm ecstatic he's the new president elect, I'm over the moon RFK is there and Elon with his sink plunger hidden in his back pocket are a crack team of plumbers and fitters. All change takes time but how wonderful to know that the saying 'truth will out ', now has the will to. . . Out!
Well spoken, again. Thank you, Josh.
I was energized by this essay, and agreed with most of it, but cannot readily deny the points made by Michael Pengue, elsewhere in these comments. I still see Trump's semi-independent, sometimes-rebelliousness as better than a deep-state DNC yes-woman. Looking back, none of Trump's rebelliously humanitarian first-term promises were fulfilled, but the nanny-state puppeteering of a hollowed-out faux-liberal has rightly been cast aside. Alas, we might well come to wish that Lilith had trumped Asmodeus.
MAGA Is Really Israel First
Why Donald Trump Was Allowed to Win.
Prof. Anthony James Hall
Nov 7