Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I had never heard of this man. His story, however is corroborated by several other "whistleblowers" who subsequently faced defamatory attacks. I am referring to Corey Goode and Emery Smith, both who claim they have worked in DUMBs and have alluded to advanced technologies used to do underground mining at this scale.

Interestingly it was Emery Smith, I think, who claimed that people worked in these underground facilities with dizzying technologies did so for weeks at a time. When they went back to visit their families, specific memories of what they saw and did were wiped clean. This is how these kinds of secrets could be kept for decades. Even if they did blab, who would believe them?

Their stories were brought to attention by David Wilcock, another character whose credibility has waned over the years.

Nevertheless, we are left with the reality that tens of trillions of dollars have been budgeted and further vast sums are unaccounted for. Yet we are asked to accept that this kind of money all went to making large boats, fancy planes and sophisticated drones. Let us not forget that fusion bombs were built before we had transistor radios. If there were other super advanced products, where are they if not hidden someplace? Deep underground perhaps?

I agree with @Christopher in that if ET is here and they are not benevolent, they would have little trouble having our way with us.

Phil Schneider was brave to come forward. I personally believe that he is telling what he believes is the truth. Framing these projects as a necessary precaution against malevolent species is the best way to mobilize a large number of people to dig very large holes in the Earth's crust.

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Thanks, Madhava. I didn't know about Corey Goode or Emery Smith, and I will look them up. Of course, many others have claimed that the US military has reverse-engineered alien technology, including Bob Lazar and David Grusch.

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Corey Goode is a fraudster. He sued Clif High for calling out his bullshit and lost. Clif defended himself in court. Corey had to admit he "channeled" his material in his living room. Probably not a good idea for people to include him, David Wilcock, and anyone else associated with Gaia TV if you're looking to lend credibility to the existence of DUMBs (or anything else).

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Thanks for that information Dave.

Aug Tellez said he met with Corey in the bases, but then Aug’s information could be compromised..or he could be a fraud like Corey…so many of these folks just made up information for fame and attention

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Perhaps. That doesn't mean that everything he has ever said must be false. There are no sources that are 100% trustworthy. Goode may be a fraudster but do you trust our security state/military industrial complex/legacy media more? We are left with the difficult reality that we have to make sense of things for ourselves.

I think that DUMBs exist. Are you suggesting that they don't exist because Core Goode says they do?

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"Goode may be a fraudster but do you trust our security state/military industrial complex/legacy media more?"

Don't put words in people's mouths, that's a form of Straw Man fallacy and unbecoming. I don't trust either of them. Beware of binary thinking.

"Are you suggesting that they don't exist because Core Goode says they do?"

Obviously not, since we know at least three exist. The question is are there more? And once again, don't put words in my mouth.

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I didn't put words in your mouth. That is the precise reason why I framed it as a question. You are free to answer in anyway you wish.

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Yes, you absolutely did put words in my mouth. Just because you phrased it as a question doesn't make it any better. https://grammarist.com/idiom/put-words-in-someones-mouth/

I would advise not to do that unless you want to piss people off. Also, it makes you look bad. Phrasing it as a question doesn't make it any better. For example, do you still beat your wife?

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Josh, you are one of a kind anazing in your presentations. I thank you for succinctly sharing this sweeping scenario for our contemplation & speculation. I would not be surprised if some or even much of this is true.

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I've got some great bridges for sale: Brooklyn, London. Excellent credit terms for accredited buyters.

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Gotta say I've never understood the fascination with painting the obviously bumbling retards we have in charge as secret supergeniuses with advanced technology. Is it a refusal to believe that we're ruled by people this stupid, this unimaginative? Maybe their apparent idiocy is just a cover for something far more sinister?

But hypothetically if there were a bunch of underground bases, and there's people out there who built them and know where they are, it'd be a real shame if some landslides accidentally covered the entrances after our room temperature IQ masters of the universe retreated into them. Just tragic. Likewise the more prosaic doomsday bunkers they actually do build here and there.

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Three of these city-sized bunkers are acknowledged publicly. They are at Cheyenne, in Colorado Springs, Mount Weather, VA, and Raven Rock, PA. They are purported to be for continuity of government in case of a nuclear war. It is not hard to find information about plans for the government to survive even if the people don't. Peter Dale Scott has written about plans for martial law that anticipate situations in which We the People are regarded as the enemy.

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It's not a great policy to have bunkers for continuity of government. Imagine if you were on an airliner piloted remotely, so that if the pilot fell asleep and the plane crashed, you would die but the pilot would be fine. If the generals and politicians who are playing chicken with nuclear holocaust think that they can survive a nuclear war, it's that much more dangerous for the rest of us.

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Yes, there are quite a few other bomb shelters, bunkers, and underground storage facilities out there too. But there's a big difference between Cheyenne, et al and the claim being made here of vast networks of massive bases three miles under the surface connected by tunnels and bullet trains.

Personally I don't understand the point of "continuity of government" in any scenario where these are needed. I can't imagine surviving nuclear holocaust and then having any use whatsoever for the politicians and generals who got us into it. Yes, Mr. Congressman, please tell me all about your plans to propose new tighter climate change protocols and what you think about abortion while I scavenge for canned food and clean water.

There is not going to be any continuity of government. After posting history's biggest L, a bunch of dimwitted dorks in a hole in the ground aren't going to maintain the spell of authority. What a joke.

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Good morning, Josh. I mulled this over in the night.

I'm not convinced that 7 miles per day of 28 foot diameter tunnel can physically be drilled through deep rock with laser, as described.

Military lasers are pretty well described and are quite modest packages to shoot down incoming planes and missiles. They are grouped clusters of industrial lasers. There are x-ray lasers that are one time directed beam weapons energized by a nuclear detonation, such as in orbit, to target a site on the ground.

The energy concentration to do that is a huge hurdle. It might imply multiple of those pebble-bed nuclear reactors, which he calls "grid bed".

Those produce heat.

Would the heat be directly coupled to melt the tunnel walls?

How would the lava be evacuated?

There is just not a mechanism to make that big and powerful of a laser, even if it were situated at one end of a straight-line tunnel. There is just not a physical principle to do that conversion of energy to laser, or to any kind of directed energy beam, and then there is no way to get the lava out.

The Superconducting Super Collider, "Super-Clyde" project in central Texas was like a DUMB, but not so deep, and used large mechanical boring machines. It was cancelled in 1993, shortly before this 1995 video. They reportedly ran the borers into the ground and walked away. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-supercollider-that-never-was/

The almost mach-2 high speed underground rail might be more possible, but the shock waves would be problematic, as would the energy density necessary.

I just consider that assertion implausible, not impossible. Electric trains would make sense when surface travel would be limited by war or natural catastrophe.

The military is basically practical, but accustomed to high price tags.

We do know of some DUMBS, as you specify. It does seem that trillions of $US have gone into a secret black hole in our lifetimes.

Could Phil have been allowed to do his speaking tour due to the inclusion of refutable content, which could be used to discredit the whole thesis?

That is a routine form of cover-up.

How did he actually die? He was nonchalant talking about 6 recent attempts on his life. That is odd.

I find some videos, but have not viewed them:



What about the main thesis, which is that human governments and military are in a form of alliance with tall gray aliens, which is not in the interests of common humans, who will be culled and enslaved over time?

It seems like a plausible thesis, but hard to tease out from the urge to power among human elites, and some kind of Big Secret, such as periodic catastrophe on the face of the planet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2decDcEJqo&list=PLHSoxioQtwZcVcFC85TxEEiirgfXwhfsw

The WEF and UN bigwigs would have much more credibility if insiders knew that a catastrophe was coming in the 2030s or 2040s and the aliens were helping the elites prepare, though most people would just die as usual, of natural causes...

Whatever happened to those beneficent "Nordics" that Ike spurned?

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The main problem I have conceptually with the notion of aliens wanting to enslave us is: why? If you can travel interstellar distances you have all the technology and energy you need to completely ignore anything down a gravity well as deep as earth's. You could spend millennia depleting asteroids, comets, and smaller planets of all useful resources before you even thought about wasting effort here. If someone was doing that already, we'd be able to see it. And there'd be no need to cover it up, let alone collaborate with humans in the coverup, because there's absolutely nothing whatsoever we could do to stop them.

I could buy "they want to wipe us out because they think we might become a dangerous competitor" but then all they have to do is drop a big rock on us. No need to get in bed with our degenerate pols and plot secret genocides.

The energy needed to move even a modest-sized ship from the nearest star to here dwarfs what would be necessary to give a large rogue asteroid a nudge and watch it wipe out all life on this planet, or a smaller one if you just want to send us back to the stone age, or somewhere in between if you'd like to eliminate most complex life without completely sterilizing the place. There are plenty of them out there for the choosing. Pick the size and velocity you need to achieve the required kinetic energy on impact for the intended effect, apply required force, job done. It's a walk in the park and you have all the time you need.

Anyway it's just a little silly. Makes for good metaphors and movies meant to make us reflect on our own past, but does not make for a plausible theory about real current or future problems.

Now if you want to talk demonic-like influence on our politicians, guiding their actions purely for the sake of creating suffering and misery and not for any practical purpose, that's something I can buy. Could even be malicious aliens if you want it that way. But I think it's more likely they're just a bunch of stupid assholes.

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We do know of some DUMBS, as you specify. It does seem that trillions of $US have gone into a secret black hole in our lifetimes.

Could Phil have been allowed to do his speaking tour due to the inclusion of refutable content, which could be used to discredit the whole thesis?

That is a routine form of cover-up.

How did he actually die? He was nonchalant talking about 6 recent attempts on his life. That is odd.

I find some videos, but have not viewed them:



What about the main thesis, which is that human governments and military are in a form of alliance with tall gray aliens, which is not in the interests of common humans, who will be culled and enslaved over time?

It seems like a plausible thesis, but hard to tease out from the urge to power among human elites, and some kind of Big Secret, such as periodic catastrophe on the face of the planet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2decDcEJqo&list=PLHSoxioQtwZcVcFC85TxEEiirgfXwhfsw

The WEF and UN bigwigs would have much more credibility if insiders knew that a catastrophe was coming in the 2030s or 2040s and the aliens were helping the elites prepare, though most people would just die as usual, of natural causes...

Whatever happened to those beneficent "Nordics" that Ike spurned?

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Thanks Josh. I've watched the first 10 minutes, will take it in installments, and I appreciate you bullet-point list. The 1909 Truth Or Consequences story is interesting, and the 1954 "treaty"...

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Feb 5, 2024
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Absurd, yes. But as Einstein said to Pauli, "We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct." We live in a different world than the one that has been presented to us. We don't know how to think about the world as it really is, because we have no practice. When we're in uncharted territory, it's best to look around before choosing a direction.

I don't assume that the ones who pilot UFOs are from another star system. As I wrote in December, the reports that they are hybridizing with humans suggests a much closer relationship. https://mitteldorf.substack.com/p/why-do-space-aliens-resemble-humans

And in any case, I don't pretend to know what motivates them, why they would want power over us, why they would want to interbreed or collect biological samples.

Did you read the Washington Post article? https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2004/02/19/ike-and-the-alien-ambassadors/4698e544-1dc8-4573-8b8d-2b48d2a6305e/

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Thanks Again, Josh. I'm up through 47+ minutes, into the Q&A session. Interesting story about the "Alien war", wherein Phil, our protagonist geologist/engineer went down the deep hole with problems, in his pressure suit with some tools, got out into a chamber with a 7 foot "Gray", and shot the Gray up with his Walther PPK.

It seems like all of the human casualties that day would have had to come AFTER that first chance encounter...

This all odd, plausible in an unusual way, but impossible to clearly verify or refute, since the government and military are dishonest as a policy, and that is broadly known.

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I don't know what to make of any of this. Fighting aliens with six-shooters sounds like a "space opera". I don't know how to think about these cultural anomalies.

The part that's most troubling to me is "element 140", because I know enough physics to understand how implausible it is to have a stable isotope with 140 protons. The repulsive force in the nucleus goes up with the square of the number of protons, which is already quite unstable at n=100. For n=140, it's twice as great and the number of neutrons you'd need to hold the thing together makes the whole arrangement top-heavy and ripe for alpha decay or spontaneous fission.

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I looked up "Murinite", which sounded like "Mirinite", and may have been, but it is a Star Trek element 123: https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Murinite#:~:text=Murinite%20(symbol%20Mu)%20is%20a,123%20on%20the%20periodic%20table.

I've made it to the end. He takes questions with alacrity and meanders a bit. It is hard for me to judge the veracity as his affect is fairly flat, and voice fairly monotonous. He's a dull speaker overall.

I can't tell how much is factual, and what might be confabulated.

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Feb 6, 2024Edited
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Every time I've run into a Tall Grey, s/he's been wearing sunglasses. I thought they were just traveling incognito, but I like your explanation better.

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Because they're not as advanced as you might imagine, and we're their food and drug supply. Rumor has it they use other, more advanced technology that they didn't/can't invent.

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Because of free will law. They need us to enter whatever plan willingly

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It's much more likely they are small in number, and not advanced enough to be invulnerable to us and our weapons. Think of a small group of humans with limited ammo surrounded by billions of hostile chimpanzees.

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Feb 6, 2024
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I've heard stories that they use us for food and recreational drugs.

They're not the only ones who've dropped by. Supposedly there's scads of them.

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Feb 7, 2024
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I haven't heard anything about their eating habits. I'd assume they like humans young and tender.

And yes, adrenochrome. That's why the "elite" take it, to ape their masters. Or so the story goes.

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Feb 6, 2024Edited
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21st century physics isn't the be-all and end-all of science. If reports of UFOs traveling at fantastic speeds and making tight turns and stopping on a dime are to be believed then their occupants know something about physics that you and I don't know.

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The speed of gravity is no less than 2*10^23*C, so we can dispense with "nothing is faster than light", it's false on it's face. https://metaresearch.org/cosmology/cosmology2/the-speed-of-gravity-what-the-experiments-say

Time is not a dimension, it's the description of the difference in relative velocities of objects (humans invented it as a convenience).

Einstein is a fraud and so is nearly everything he did. https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2018/09/05/stephen-crothers-the-logical-inconsistency-of-the-special-theory-of-relativity-eu2017/

Redshift can't be used to calculate interstellar distances, so we don't really know how far away things are. https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2020/02/26/ray-gallucci-do-quasars-and-redshift-break-big-bang-theory-space-news/

You are correct however, that "inter-dimensionality" is a handwaving term for whatever the person using it needs to wave away, and that for high velocity craft, processes would appear to slow down, but traveling at such speeds presents other problems (specks of dust would impact like bombs).

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I only know the conventional physics of gravity. According to the physics taught in universities, gravitational waves travel at the speed of light. If a mass suddenly starts moving, information that changes its gravitational field propagates outward at the speed of light.

Here's a curious physics phact: If a mass is moving at a constant speed, its gravitational field moves ahead of it, so that, for example, the earth is attracted toward where the sun is NOW, not where it was 8 minutes ago -- even though light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach earth.

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Feb 6, 2024Edited
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Maybe (and I'm not sure I fully understand you), but I do know you can't describe time without referring to motion, therefore time is just a description of motion relative to the observer.

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Feb 6, 2024Edited
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"In order for you to argue that gravity speeds faster than light, you have to explain how gravity speeds at all."

No idea. Maybe it's pressure waves in the zero point field (AKA the ether). The energy density of the ZPE field is several orders of magnitude more energetic than steel (if you converted all that steel to energy, and E=MC^2 is a legitimate way to determine this, which I am no longer certain of). That's a pretty dense energy field, and the denser the medium the faster the wave. But, I'm spitballing hard here.

I included the video on redshift because it shows we'll have to re-think a lot of what we now assume to be true. Because relativity is a bust, we can't use redshift to approximate distance. We'll be forced to only say for sure what we can determine by parallax, not sure what the upper limit on that is for us.

Your loss if you don't want to examine evidence that relativity is bafflegarble, I'm only trying to share what I observe to be true.

I had a similar experience on a motorcycle in my youth. Hitting a June Bug at speed with your forehead is a very direct way to learn about velocity.

edited: I agree with you about 1D, 2D, 3D, etc. are inadequate in describing our consensus reality, but that's all we have to go on... For now.

edit: AFA what forcefields these things would use, I have no idea. Barsoom radium emissions? Phlogiston pulses?

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