For anyone interested in the Palestinian situation from a human perspective, I recommend the novels of Susan Abulhawa. She is wise concerning the human heart, and her characters -- both Israeli and Palestinian -- come to life as people we can love.
I single out only one topic from your survey as it has long interested me – the possibility of time travel you mentioned in relation to UFOs. This is more aptly a topic fit for a separate essay but here is the gist of my thoughts.
Do the advanced technologies of UFOs come from the past or the future? Graham Hancock and Erik von Daniken, among others, offer copious evidence of (much) advanced civilizations preceding ours. They are dismissed as fantasies by the scientific establishment, which has also, until very recently, scoffed at the phenomenon of UFOs in general.
Although the possibility of time travelers from the future contradicts the Grandfather Paradox, it deserves serious investigation. My reasoning is based on the prophecies of the Indian Kalki Purana (Ancient) and the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Both share eerie similarities in describing how the present world of lies, deceit and wickedness was/will be put to an end by the interventions of beings with seemingly superhuman powers. I shan't speculate here whether such intervention can be ascribed to divine or alien origin. Instead, I draw attention to the texts of these accounts and ask if they were indeed 'prophecies' or accounts from future historians.
From a dispassionate reading of the two texts, it is apparent they are not prescient statements about what will transpire in the future. Rather, they are elaborate eyewitness accounts of what actually took place. Without belaboring the point, I simply reproduce one excerpt each from the texts themselves. I further posit the sudden outburst of technologies that led to the successive industrial revolutions from the 1st to the present 4th have been inspired by time travelers from the future.
Kalki Purana (Ch 20 - Lord Kalki Goes Out to Conquer Kali and His Allies):
"In the battle between Lord Kalki and the two brothers, Koka and Vikoka, the leaders of both armies fought fiercely.
The battlefield redounded with the terrific sounds made by the elephants and horses, the gnawing of teeth, the challenging words of the combatants, the twanging of the bows, as well as the slaps and punches.
The frightening sounds of war cries spread all directions. It seemed that no one was able to escape the jaws of death. The demigods became so astonished while gazing at the ghastly scene that they practically fell from their celestial chariots.
Due to the onslaught of innumerable weapons, including iron rods, swords, Sakti (Energy) weapons, tridents, spears, clubs, and arrows, the entire battlefield became littered with severed arms, legs, and trunks."
Revelation (16 - The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath):
"Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, 'It is done!'
Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake.
The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath.
Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found.
From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds, fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible."
The grandfather paradox has a resolution in the context of a single time history in which the past and future may have a link. No one in the future has gone back to shoot my grandfather, and that's part of the reason I'm alive.
If we allow for multiple timelines, then it becomes even easier to resolve the paradox. But for me multiple timelines are more than I can imagine.
Regarding the theory of consciousness being the sole determinant of how we perceive matter, I recommend Robert Lanza's book, Biocentrism. In addition, you should read the Lankavatara Sutra, Bodhidharma's sermons, and other sutras. I particularly like the sutras of Huineng, known for the Platform Sutra. D.T. Suzuki's works provide a wonderful introduction to all of these.
With respect to other esoteric questions, I hope you read (and re-read) Radu Cinamar's Transylvanian Sunrise book series first as it will save you a lot of time. I just posted a chapter on his first visit to Apellos in Inner Earth.
Comparing your poll results to one that might be done of a random sampling of the population, one would have to conclude that your readers are entirely more eccentric and considerably more enlightened than the typical American. Congratulations on attracting such an admirable following!
Our responses are similar, and for similar reasons, though I am not an American Jew, and it seemed to me that Hamas and Mossad both knew the game that was being played between them to bring festering conflict to a head. Each believed it would win decisively.
That is my view, not an absolute, but I think Both Knew that Both Knew and that People across their lands and the world Did Not Know.
It concerns me when people position Hamas and Mossad as opponents, as if there is anything resembling parity. Israel’s own military far exceeds its size, and is backed by the US, the most bloated military in the world, unconditionally. Palestinians are an occupied people that have been systematically oppressed, denied their basic rights, bombed, controlled, and terrorized for over 75 years. There is no comparison.
There are long intertwinings of shared and oppositional purpose between Hamas and the Israeli revisionist-Zionist groups, which first became clear when Netanyahu supported Hamas against Fatah, the Palestinian Authority, to divide Palestinians, so as to argue "no partner for negotiations". Netanyahu long funded Hamas through Qatar, but there are factions within Hamas, and have always been.
There are so many oversimplifications, but I stand by my assertion that strategists and executives in Hamas and Zionist Israel effectively conspired to create a crisis, which each had a strategy to "win".
I agree that Palestinians are a militarily-occupied people, long subject to ratcheting genocide and robbed of personal property of all kinds, especially family homes and farms. UNRWA, to be "outlawed" by Israel in a few days, keeps all the records of exactly where families have the right to return.
If the Palestinian Resistance created a crisis with a strategy to win, are you saying the Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto created a crisis with a strategy to win? Surely the mere fact of being oppressed and savagely occupied is the crisis and there is no need to create anything.
No, I did not say anything about Warsaw. What I said was specific to this one action that happened October 7, 2023, and that way forward was paved by Israel standing down its forces for about 12 hours, supposedly for a holiday.
Israel knew well ahead, and Hamas knew they were penetrated by spies and watched constantly with cameras and electronic monitoring. Both sides were aware. there are not secrets in modern warfare like there were in the past.
The Israelis planned their "final solution" with "justifications" which they helped arrange by killing Israelis with tanks and helicopter gunships.
Hamas worked to create a crisis, albeit holding a LOT of Israeli hostages, that would bring the world to their aid at last, which sort of happened with public opinion, but Israel is a nuclear power...
I agree that the Palestinian Resistance/Hamas, knew what Israel would do and I agree it is highly likely the Israelis did not prevent the prison breakout because they wanted an excuse to level Gaza and kill as many as possible.
Taking hostages is not new. The only language Israel has ever deigned to speak is HOSTAGE which is why they developed their Hannibal Directive where they kill their own to prevent hostages being taken.
If you read the history of hostage-taking by the Palestinian Resistance, it has, in the past been more effective than anything else. And yes, perhaps they took a more is better approach.
However, one other factor and this was stated by an Israeli soldier, is that many civilians broke out of Gaza after the fighters and they also took hostages and killed people. These were young men in their Twenties, some of whom would be less than mentally stable having been subjected since birth to the most sadistic cruelty, torture, torment, bombing and destruction by the Israelis.
We also know that some of the hostages taken by these civilians were kept by local families, some of whom engaged in independent negotiations with the Israelis to sell them back.
So, the Palestinian Resistance/Hamas certainly targeted legitimate individuals, soldiers and were not responsible for or totally in control of hostages taken by civilians.
After 76 years I suspect the Palestinians are not surprised by the level of genocidal slaughter inflicted by the Israelis. Although thinking about something happening and then having it happen are two different things.
Third grade troublemaker students are similarly educator-occupied, but as adults we understand the necessity of classroom occupation. Since 1948, Palestinians, and their increasingly fewer and fewer Arab allies (who understand the nature of of the Pallies, and want nothing to do with them as murderously minded third grade troublemakers) keep starting wars. And keep losing them, saved from becoming diaspora only by the corrupt officialdom of UNRWA which the Trump admin will everything it can to displace. UNRWA is not a hotelier and prospective real estate agent for the supposed government in waiting for the Pallies’ hoped for colonialization of Israel. Israel is a true, modern Nation-State. It’s not walking away from its land, it’s people. The likely diaspora fate for Pallies would have been sealed long ago but for its patron, Iran. With the fall of Syria, that patron faces severe logistic problems remaining and a military emasculation. Would that the Gazans have shown more care and concern for themselves and their children. Instead they chose war after war, losing them all. Now, the adults there breed not for the joys of a family life and it’s posterity, but to create young Jew-hating fodder for early military use. They are a failed people. The only option for them is to give up their false claims of return and make the best of it in Gaza and the WB and forego it’s military follies.
Look up Jessie Czebotar and listen to what she has to say about Israel and the Sanhedrin system, aka the Beast. Both sides--Tel Aviv and Hamas--were controlled by the Luciferian Brotherhood, and both were trafficking children for adrenochrome, blood sacrifices, organs and money.
Anyone who expresses hatred of the Jewish people is exposing himself as a Luciferian. The same thing applies to those expressing hatred of the Palestinian people.
Remember, it isn't what's on the surface that matters, but what's underground--and there is MUCH iniquity beneath Israel.
The Palestinians, through necessity, have intensely studied their oppressors for more than a century. They know a great deal.
The Israelis consider the Palestinians in particular and non-Jews to be inferior as humans if not subhuman and study the mechanical details of their lives and not their humanity or their minds. They know nothing.
I think the Israelis in their ignorance thought they would win decisively but the Palestinians took a longer-term view and hoped that the horrors they knew Israel would inflict on them, would play a part in bringing them freedom in their homeland.
Re: Moon Landings….The explanation I heard, which seemed pretty good and one degree of separation: the moon landings really happened. But the video/photo footage was terrible or unusable, and for PR reasons it was re-shot on earth. Neatly solves both problems.
I read an editorial this past week and immediately thought of you, Josh. I thought it beautifully captured your approach to seeking knowledge. I hope you enjoy it:
So what would be your "good reasons to stop mining fossil fuels"? I worry about ocean acidification, and I object to the mining on economic justice grounds. It's a very narrow stratum of people claiming ownership over a natural bonanza. I suspect you have more reasons though.
I'm a little out of my area of expertise. What I know is that (1) = Rocky Mountain Institute has been documenting tremendous savings in efficiency that are available. For example, 200mpg cars, and advanced home designs that need no heating in Snowmass CO. I'm convinced that we could have all the services we have now for a fraction of the energy cost. (2) I suspect there are clean, abundant energy sources that are being hidden from us by DARPA. Cold Fusion is one I know about.
I've long aspired to build such a house. That essentially no one pursues such, instead settling for this junk housing, factors into my disdain for the human race I mentioned the other day (due primarily to acquiescence to covid directives). You're right about the wastefulness, but I kind of see that as a blessing. The human race is far too irresponsible to have abundant energy. We would utterly destroy the planet. Every square inch of the earth would become suburbia. You shouldn't let kids play with matches. If there are aliens influencing our affairs, by and large I don't take kindly to their management. But stifling cold fusion? Ok, thanks ET.
I am a long-time admirer of Amory Lovins who founded RMI in 1982, the same year I decided to concentrate on energy policy as a full-time career. Enormous efficiency gains are indeed possible along the entire energy chain from mining, extraction or harvesting to processing, conversion, transportation/transmission and end-use.
The same can be said of food consumption, water supply, healthcare, communication and human activities at large. Substantial resources can be saved by managing everything we do efficiently.
That said, one must use some energy source or another, however efficiently or inefficiently, to sustain modern civilization. There is no doing away with fossil fuel consumption altogether. They are the most 'dense' in terms of the ratio of input mass to output energy. The first and second industrial revolutions could not have taken place without them. To replace them, one must find even denser sources of energy or technologies that make the mass-energy ratio irrelevant, such as nuclear power or fuel from hydrogen. The current crop of renewable energy technologies, peddled for four decades at the expense of trillions of dollars, are not it. If they were, the world wouldn't be still relying on fossil fuels for more than 80% of its energy needs.
If there are very advanced energy sources/technologies hidden from us, we won't be seeing them until fossil fuels are exhausted. Not, as commonly believed, because there are huge profits still to be made from fossil fuels. More because such advanced energy has military uses which will get exposed if they are put to civilian use for routine consumption. It all comes back to empire.
For anyone interested in the Palestinian situation from a human perspective, I recommend the novels of Susan Abulhawa. She is wise concerning the human heart, and her characters -- both Israeli and Palestinian -- come to life as people we can love.
She’s my hero.
I single out only one topic from your survey as it has long interested me – the possibility of time travel you mentioned in relation to UFOs. This is more aptly a topic fit for a separate essay but here is the gist of my thoughts.
Do the advanced technologies of UFOs come from the past or the future? Graham Hancock and Erik von Daniken, among others, offer copious evidence of (much) advanced civilizations preceding ours. They are dismissed as fantasies by the scientific establishment, which has also, until very recently, scoffed at the phenomenon of UFOs in general.
Although the possibility of time travelers from the future contradicts the Grandfather Paradox, it deserves serious investigation. My reasoning is based on the prophecies of the Indian Kalki Purana (Ancient) and the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Both share eerie similarities in describing how the present world of lies, deceit and wickedness was/will be put to an end by the interventions of beings with seemingly superhuman powers. I shan't speculate here whether such intervention can be ascribed to divine or alien origin. Instead, I draw attention to the texts of these accounts and ask if they were indeed 'prophecies' or accounts from future historians.
From a dispassionate reading of the two texts, it is apparent they are not prescient statements about what will transpire in the future. Rather, they are elaborate eyewitness accounts of what actually took place. Without belaboring the point, I simply reproduce one excerpt each from the texts themselves. I further posit the sudden outburst of technologies that led to the successive industrial revolutions from the 1st to the present 4th have been inspired by time travelers from the future.
{(1) Kalki Purana reference:}. (2) The Book of Ezekiel is another fascinating account in the Bible for those interested in UFOs)}
Kalki Purana (Ch 20 - Lord Kalki Goes Out to Conquer Kali and His Allies):
"In the battle between Lord Kalki and the two brothers, Koka and Vikoka, the leaders of both armies fought fiercely.
The battlefield redounded with the terrific sounds made by the elephants and horses, the gnawing of teeth, the challenging words of the combatants, the twanging of the bows, as well as the slaps and punches.
The frightening sounds of war cries spread all directions. It seemed that no one was able to escape the jaws of death. The demigods became so astonished while gazing at the ghastly scene that they practically fell from their celestial chariots.
Due to the onslaught of innumerable weapons, including iron rods, swords, Sakti (Energy) weapons, tridents, spears, clubs, and arrows, the entire battlefield became littered with severed arms, legs, and trunks."
Revelation (16 - The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath):
"Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, 'It is done!'
Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake.
The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath.
Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found.
From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds, fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible."
The grandfather paradox has a resolution in the context of a single time history in which the past and future may have a link. No one in the future has gone back to shoot my grandfather, and that's part of the reason I'm alive.
If we allow for multiple timelines, then it becomes even easier to resolve the paradox. But for me multiple timelines are more than I can imagine.
What's the single time resolution, Josh? If you have written on it or have a reference, please post the link.
Regarding the theory of consciousness being the sole determinant of how we perceive matter, I recommend Robert Lanza's book, Biocentrism. In addition, you should read the Lankavatara Sutra, Bodhidharma's sermons, and other sutras. I particularly like the sutras of Huineng, known for the Platform Sutra. D.T. Suzuki's works provide a wonderful introduction to all of these.
With respect to other esoteric questions, I hope you read (and re-read) Radu Cinamar's Transylvanian Sunrise book series first as it will save you a lot of time. I just posted a chapter on his first visit to Apellos in Inner Earth.
Comparing your poll results to one that might be done of a random sampling of the population, one would have to conclude that your readers are entirely more eccentric and considerably more enlightened than the typical American. Congratulations on attracting such an admirable following!
Yes, it's certainly a self-selected group.
Our responses are similar, and for similar reasons, though I am not an American Jew, and it seemed to me that Hamas and Mossad both knew the game that was being played between them to bring festering conflict to a head. Each believed it would win decisively.
That is my view, not an absolute, but I think Both Knew that Both Knew and that People across their lands and the world Did Not Know.
It concerns me when people position Hamas and Mossad as opponents, as if there is anything resembling parity. Israel’s own military far exceeds its size, and is backed by the US, the most bloated military in the world, unconditionally. Palestinians are an occupied people that have been systematically oppressed, denied their basic rights, bombed, controlled, and terrorized for over 75 years. There is no comparison.
There are long intertwinings of shared and oppositional purpose between Hamas and the Israeli revisionist-Zionist groups, which first became clear when Netanyahu supported Hamas against Fatah, the Palestinian Authority, to divide Palestinians, so as to argue "no partner for negotiations". Netanyahu long funded Hamas through Qatar, but there are factions within Hamas, and have always been.
There are so many oversimplifications, but I stand by my assertion that strategists and executives in Hamas and Zionist Israel effectively conspired to create a crisis, which each had a strategy to "win".
I agree that Palestinians are a militarily-occupied people, long subject to ratcheting genocide and robbed of personal property of all kinds, especially family homes and farms. UNRWA, to be "outlawed" by Israel in a few days, keeps all the records of exactly where families have the right to return.
If the Palestinian Resistance created a crisis with a strategy to win, are you saying the Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto created a crisis with a strategy to win? Surely the mere fact of being oppressed and savagely occupied is the crisis and there is no need to create anything.
No, I did not say anything about Warsaw. What I said was specific to this one action that happened October 7, 2023, and that way forward was paved by Israel standing down its forces for about 12 hours, supposedly for a holiday.
Israel knew well ahead, and Hamas knew they were penetrated by spies and watched constantly with cameras and electronic monitoring. Both sides were aware. there are not secrets in modern warfare like there were in the past.
The Israelis planned their "final solution" with "justifications" which they helped arrange by killing Israelis with tanks and helicopter gunships.
Hamas worked to create a crisis, albeit holding a LOT of Israeli hostages, that would bring the world to their aid at last, which sort of happened with public opinion, but Israel is a nuclear power...
I agree that the Palestinian Resistance/Hamas, knew what Israel would do and I agree it is highly likely the Israelis did not prevent the prison breakout because they wanted an excuse to level Gaza and kill as many as possible.
Taking hostages is not new. The only language Israel has ever deigned to speak is HOSTAGE which is why they developed their Hannibal Directive where they kill their own to prevent hostages being taken.
If you read the history of hostage-taking by the Palestinian Resistance, it has, in the past been more effective than anything else. And yes, perhaps they took a more is better approach.
However, one other factor and this was stated by an Israeli soldier, is that many civilians broke out of Gaza after the fighters and they also took hostages and killed people. These were young men in their Twenties, some of whom would be less than mentally stable having been subjected since birth to the most sadistic cruelty, torture, torment, bombing and destruction by the Israelis.
We also know that some of the hostages taken by these civilians were kept by local families, some of whom engaged in independent negotiations with the Israelis to sell them back.
So, the Palestinian Resistance/Hamas certainly targeted legitimate individuals, soldiers and were not responsible for or totally in control of hostages taken by civilians.
After 76 years I suspect the Palestinians are not surprised by the level of genocidal slaughter inflicted by the Israelis. Although thinking about something happening and then having it happen are two different things.
Third grade troublemaker students are similarly educator-occupied, but as adults we understand the necessity of classroom occupation. Since 1948, Palestinians, and their increasingly fewer and fewer Arab allies (who understand the nature of of the Pallies, and want nothing to do with them as murderously minded third grade troublemakers) keep starting wars. And keep losing them, saved from becoming diaspora only by the corrupt officialdom of UNRWA which the Trump admin will everything it can to displace. UNRWA is not a hotelier and prospective real estate agent for the supposed government in waiting for the Pallies’ hoped for colonialization of Israel. Israel is a true, modern Nation-State. It’s not walking away from its land, it’s people. The likely diaspora fate for Pallies would have been sealed long ago but for its patron, Iran. With the fall of Syria, that patron faces severe logistic problems remaining and a military emasculation. Would that the Gazans have shown more care and concern for themselves and their children. Instead they chose war after war, losing them all. Now, the adults there breed not for the joys of a family life and it’s posterity, but to create young Jew-hating fodder for early military use. They are a failed people. The only option for them is to give up their false claims of return and make the best of it in Gaza and the WB and forego it’s military follies.
Not a story I can relate to.
Look up Jessie Czebotar and listen to what she has to say about Israel and the Sanhedrin system, aka the Beast. Both sides--Tel Aviv and Hamas--were controlled by the Luciferian Brotherhood, and both were trafficking children for adrenochrome, blood sacrifices, organs and money.
Anyone who expresses hatred of the Jewish people is exposing himself as a Luciferian. The same thing applies to those expressing hatred of the Palestinian people.
Remember, it isn't what's on the surface that matters, but what's underground--and there is MUCH iniquity beneath Israel.
The Palestinians, through necessity, have intensely studied their oppressors for more than a century. They know a great deal.
The Israelis consider the Palestinians in particular and non-Jews to be inferior as humans if not subhuman and study the mechanical details of their lives and not their humanity or their minds. They know nothing.
I think the Israelis in their ignorance thought they would win decisively but the Palestinians took a longer-term view and hoped that the horrors they knew Israel would inflict on them, would play a part in bringing them freedom in their homeland.
That largely agrees with my thoughts above.
Fun survey. Thanks.
Re: Moon Landings….The explanation I heard, which seemed pretty good and one degree of separation: the moon landings really happened. But the video/photo footage was terrible or unusable, and for PR reasons it was re-shot on earth. Neatly solves both problems.
Can you imagine getting a 1969 video camera to work in -200 degrees?
Hah! Exactly the right kind of incentive.
I read an editorial this past week and immediately thought of you, Josh. I thought it beautifully captured your approach to seeking knowledge. I hope you enjoy it:!/
Coming from Cureus, it's a step in the right direction. But the truth about censorship in the medical journals is a much bigger story than this.
So what would be your "good reasons to stop mining fossil fuels"? I worry about ocean acidification, and I object to the mining on economic justice grounds. It's a very narrow stratum of people claiming ownership over a natural bonanza. I suspect you have more reasons though.
I'm a little out of my area of expertise. What I know is that (1) = Rocky Mountain Institute has been documenting tremendous savings in efficiency that are available. For example, 200mpg cars, and advanced home designs that need no heating in Snowmass CO. I'm convinced that we could have all the services we have now for a fraction of the energy cost. (2) I suspect there are clean, abundant energy sources that are being hidden from us by DARPA. Cold Fusion is one I know about.
I've long aspired to build such a house. That essentially no one pursues such, instead settling for this junk housing, factors into my disdain for the human race I mentioned the other day (due primarily to acquiescence to covid directives). You're right about the wastefulness, but I kind of see that as a blessing. The human race is far too irresponsible to have abundant energy. We would utterly destroy the planet. Every square inch of the earth would become suburbia. You shouldn't let kids play with matches. If there are aliens influencing our affairs, by and large I don't take kindly to their management. But stifling cold fusion? Ok, thanks ET.
I am a long-time admirer of Amory Lovins who founded RMI in 1982, the same year I decided to concentrate on energy policy as a full-time career. Enormous efficiency gains are indeed possible along the entire energy chain from mining, extraction or harvesting to processing, conversion, transportation/transmission and end-use.
The same can be said of food consumption, water supply, healthcare, communication and human activities at large. Substantial resources can be saved by managing everything we do efficiently.
That said, one must use some energy source or another, however efficiently or inefficiently, to sustain modern civilization. There is no doing away with fossil fuel consumption altogether. They are the most 'dense' in terms of the ratio of input mass to output energy. The first and second industrial revolutions could not have taken place without them. To replace them, one must find even denser sources of energy or technologies that make the mass-energy ratio irrelevant, such as nuclear power or fuel from hydrogen. The current crop of renewable energy technologies, peddled for four decades at the expense of trillions of dollars, are not it. If they were, the world wouldn't be still relying on fossil fuels for more than 80% of its energy needs.
If there are very advanced energy sources/technologies hidden from us, we won't be seeing them until fossil fuels are exhausted. Not, as commonly believed, because there are huge profits still to be made from fossil fuels. More because such advanced energy has military uses which will get exposed if they are put to civilian use for routine consumption. It all comes back to empire.