I am unvaccinated. I contracted Covid in the first half of 2022. I developed atrial fibrillation over a few months after recovering, which I did in a week, though a lingering cough hung around for about a month. I now believe i may have been affected by the shedding of my vaccinated children who were old enough to make their own choice and who were all coerced by the government to take them. They regret it now. I suspect that it doesn't matter how we get the spike protein, shot or not, we are all infected by a bioweapon and that is what we should be talking about. The jabs were just the fastest delivery method. We all got the proceeds of those vials, one way or another. We have all been 'shot' at. I am beyond angry about it , beyond heartbroken and stunned that not more people are talking about this bioweapon being unleashed upon us. Very few are talking about it like that. It's war against the people by those that regard themselves as the rightful inheritors of this sad, beautiful planet. I feel like my health has been stolen.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Josh Mitteldorf

I feel your pain: it’s beyond horrific what the psychopaths will do to “cull the useless eaters” (Hilary’s actual words as told to Dr. Rima Leibo (sp?) she visited roughly 10 yrs ago. We are being sprayed, poisoned and injected with bio weapons that have nasty ingredients which include nanoparticles that react to certain EMFs. Don’t believe me? Keep digging. Check out attorney Todd Calender’s research to start, or David Martin, who is charging them with crimes against humanity. There is an ever growing number of ppl waking up and speaking out. The people responsible for this are sick and we need to demand JUSTICE.

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Carol - I believe we're under attack by psychopaths. I have not yet seen credible evidence of nanoparticles that respond to radio signals. If you send me a link, I'll read it.

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This reminds me of the (non)response to 911. It was mindboggling how the engineering and physics world stood down in the face of the reality that something took down 3 massive high rises in one day (along with many other one off anomalies), and most definitely not in the manner suggested by the government and engineering colleges. The maniacs in charge will continue with their quiet wars until they are called out and stopped. Being they control govt, media, and education like an Orwellian machine, it is yet to be determined how this will be done.

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Just so. It's up to us, the ones with eyes, to create the future.

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You're right. I'm uncharacteristically somewhat optimistic that they've overreached on this one. Keep up the good work.

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absolutely. I'm about to launch my own substack aiming to unpack what we need to so more people have the courage to face what we must face.

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I'd be interested in collaborating if that would make sense.

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"It's war against the people by those that regard themselves as the rightful inheritors of this sad, beautiful planet."

I totally agree. One of my fundamental quandaries is who "those" are. I'm pretty sure they're beyond the billionaires and even trillionaires. I'd love to hear your thoughts on who you think "those" are as most people believe this world operates entirely by chance.

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Dec 24, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023Author

Great compilation and summary. It really is hard to know what's going on and who heads it up, but there is way too much 'coincidence' for all these destructive events that grow in intensity and frequency to be natural and unrelated. The darkness of these times gets overwhelming for those with eyes to see. Thanks for your considerable efforts in bringing this to light.

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It seems to me demonic energy, for lack of a better term. I didn't check those links but by the text I know I can't explain those inhumane acts in any other way. And the people that commit them are on top of society. This world is inverted. I'm not religious but the Bible speaks on this. Funny how many things it get right.

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I can imagine a completely different situation if Bill Gates, Schwab, Boula, Soros, Biden, etc. never existed.

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I'm pretty sure they're just puppets like anyone else who's put up on the big stage. Look at Kissinger, Brzezinski, Rockefeller, and Rothschilds and you're getting closer to the source of the rot.

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How can we get the spike protein from the vaccine if not from the shot? I am interested in your theory or knowledge of how this could happen. Thanks.

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I remember reading that the spike protein they 'chose' from the coronavirus pathogen to put in the shot was from what was 'unfortunately' the most dangerous bit of protein. If that pathogen was engineered by Fauci's Wuhan team as a bioweapon, then that is clearly why they chose it to use in the shot and regardless of whether you get the shot, we are all getting it if we have Covid. I read somewhere on Substack just the other day that they always engineer an 'antidote' alongside their weapons of poison, so perhaps they have vials of that floating around for 'the chosen ones.' It's got to be as plausible as aliens secretly found on earth right?!

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Until the biowarriors are brought to justice, our best source for the antidote is FLCCC at Covid19CriticalCare.com

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this guy from merogenomics on youtube has done a few videos on this topic, he sites and explains research, some of this had to do with people exhaling exosomes that contained spike proteins and antibodies, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bT4oOa3hQw

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Josh Mitteldorf

Since ancient times, humans have believed that ``foods & water are dangerous until it is confirmed to be safe,'' and have been careful about what we eat. However, the FDA and pharmaceutical companies have a perverted mindset that says, ``It's safe until it's proven to be dangerous.'' Furthermore, substances that have been put into the blood cannot be expelled.

Moreover, many papers have been published showing that vaccinations are harmful.

If we ordinary people try to live a comfortable life by following the government, we will not be able to do so. If you don't obey the government, we will be able to live a comfortable life even if it is inconvenient in the short term.

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Absolutely on target.

One of the topics I've written about is that the FDA routinely uses safety trials in which a "safety" signal is inferred when the data don't show with 95% confidence that a drug is hazardous. As you say, the standard should be that the data must show with 95% confidence that there is no harm. The use of false placebos in vaccine trials helps to further this fraud. https://mitteldorf.substack.com/p/placebo-controlled

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This is a great breakdown of the central problem.

"It is my opinion, given the present messaging climate, that if such studies actually supported the long-term benefits of mRNA vaccination, we would be hearing about them loud and clear. The fact that these data are not being reported and the studies are not being done is suspicious."

YES. The lack of interest in definitively answering the question doesn't prove that the vaccine is at least partially responsible for the "Keeling over on the soccer field", but it does prove that our public health agencies are derelict in their duty. There is no reason we should trust anything they say anymore.

Of note, a recent data dump from Pfizer proves that they withheld cardiac deaths in the treatment group until after authorization was granted. Neither did the FDA ask for an updated list of fatalities.

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Bravo! Sometimes I doubt my own conclusions about COVID-19 (which have long aligned tightly with your findings) because of incessant, all-sided dis/misinforming propaganda. The wolves often don layers of sheeps' clothing. For example, falsehoods are routinely buried in implied assumptions that everybody is assumed and expected to "know". It is easy to see how even strong skeptics can be lulled into cognitive misalignment when journals trusted for a lifetime print the liars' stories in lockstep.

...Then a reminder pops up and slaps you back into sanity. Recently, I was arguing with colleagues about the dubious value of "life expectancy" numbers that come from WHO, etc. As someone especially interested in stretching maximum healthy lifespan, these figures are used to measure progress. But, wait! They include a variety of assumptions that are not even reasonable. For example, I imagine most people here expect that a healthy teenager today will live at least ten years (and hopefully well beyond that) more than today's 70-year-olds, but this is not included in "life expectancy" determinations. OK, so the name is a little misleading, but maybe still useful in some ways. For longevicists, let's take a look at death rates by age. Simple enough, right? Not. Go to the CDC website, and you'll find that although "life expectancy" is calculated through 2022, death-rate by age is not available (nor is the data to calculate it, yourself) after 2019! It surely is just due to coincidence, budget constraints, and other unfortunate limitations, and has nothing to do with holding back extremely important mortality data that might clear or implicate the vaccines. OK, nothing here folks. Move along.

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excellent update. Thank you!

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Glad to help, and ty for your gracious reply.

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"The people who are suffering heart attacks while exercise are young males of exceptional good health. "

If you'd replace "exercise" with "exercising". your sentence would then make sense.

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thank you. done.

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Josh, what is the death/serious adverse event per doses given for the mRNA shots vs other vaccines?

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According to the brief interview she did with former MN gov. Jessie Ventura on the tarmac of the airport where she flew in, then flew immediately out (my understanding is that she feared for her life so moved out of the US). It was in that interview that she tells Jessie about seeing a "head of state" who reveals that "the culling will begin soon" and she says, "culling"? And the HOS starts to define what culling means, so RL says, "I know what culling means" then the HOS says "we need to get rid of the useless eaters using up our resources" and that vaccines are the "soft kill".... Her husband was high up in the military and wouldn't believe any of what he considered "conspiracy" until he began to witness/have first hand experience of what she was referring to (global elites/WEF/UN/WHO agendas). He was poisoned in a hospital later (she flied suit claiming this, but that's another story). If you watch the interviews still available, I think she tells of this exchange with H in others. She continues to speak out urging "mouse warriors" to rebel.

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